Day 0 - Leaving Singapore from Changi Airport - 15/12/06
Mark came to fetch us to the airport and we had dinner at Crystal Jade before we entered the departure hall. It was quite unfortunate that our schedule was tight and I didnt have time to spend some time alone with him. It was a little difficult to part from him when I had so much that I wanted to say to him. I could not forget the sadness I saw in his eyes when we passed the customs. We couldnt bear to leave one another. I was fighting back my tears as I waved goodbye to him because I knew crying would be contagious.
I could no longer hold them back when the plane took off. I was overwhlemed with mixed emotions. At that very moment, I then realised that it was the start of an exciting holiday and also the start of the 7 days away from my dear.
Day 1 - Arrival at Kansai Airport, Traveling to Sasayama - 16/12/06
We had some trouble reading the railway map since everyhting was in Japanese. The map was also much more complicated that the MRT map we have in Singapore. Fortunately, a kind young man helped us got to the right train. I started comparing the phsical appearances of the locals with Singaporeans. It was expected of the Japanese to have more conscious of their appearance but I didnt expect to discover that most young men trim their eyebros like the ladies. Pardon me for oggling at the pretty babes and hunks in Japan.

It was terribly cold when we arrived at Osaka station. We were underground but could still feel the cold wind blowing in. We took almost another 1h plus before we reached Sasayama, where we were welcomed by Mom's Japanese friend, Keiko Aunty. She is a professor, teaching in the medical school in Osaka City University. A very generous and warm lady indeed. She drove us back to her new house where we met her husband. The old house we visisted 9 years ago was torn down and rebuilt. I fell in love with the new house immediately when saw it. It is largely made of pine wood without the use of any nails that made the construction of the house exceptionally expensive. It has this very traditional Japanese temple kinda feeling to it. The house was partitioned to many sections and we could see many contrasts of traditional customs and new technology applied to the construction of the house. Almost every room have a sensor that will detect movement and operate the lights accordingly. The toilet bowls have many features including automatic smell removal, heater to dry the user's bottom and more. lol.. We were told that some of the walls were partially made of soil which helps to control humidity during seasonal changes.

After settling down at Keiko Aunty's place, we went to climb a mountain where we tried to pick some special leaves for new year decoration. The area where the leaves were grown wasnt part of the climber's path. I felt like da chang jin, crawling and climbing down steep soil to reach the good ones. It was quite scary in the beginning when I slipped a few times. I cant imagine what will happen if we werent careful. Mom had a tough time climbing up. The steps were very steep and high. In contrast, the 94 year old granny who led us to the place was swift up and down the mountain. It almost looked like she had wings on her feet. I guess she probably climbs often. And that is why the elderlys here all look so healthy despite their old age.

At about 2.30pm, we went for the long waited bbq meal!!! It was splendid. The spread we had 9 years ago still lingered in our minds whenever we thought of Japan. Just like before, we were served fresh fish, fatty beef and chicken and some other vegetables. The meat was so juicy and the light sauce complements the taste of the meat. It was nothing like what we have in Singapore or anywhere else in Japan. You can really taste the freshness. I am sure Mark will love it. Hopefully, I will be able to bring him there one of these days.

O ya, I almost forgot about the shrine we visited. I really like the way they decorate it. You can see the Japanese traditions and cultures from it. It isnt all bright and glamorously decorated with gold or jade liek the Chinese temples but it gave me a heart-warming feeling. May be I was a Japanese in my last life. wahaha..
Before we return home for rest, Keiko Aunty drove us around an area where the houses were all decortaed with Christmas lights. It reminded me of the movie I just watched with my friends, Deck the Halls. Though it was just a 5 min ride past the area, I wished Mark was beside me so that we couls share all of these together.
Back at Keiko Aunty's house, we slept on tradtiional Japanese bed on Tatami for the first time. The temperature was about 11 deg. Therfore we needed the heating bed sheet. I had a very good sleep that night. Perhaps it would have been sweeter if dearie was by my side.
~to be continued~