ok.. the pics are not in order... lol... well the pic we took with the couple is with the main photographer.. boo hoo.. when can i have it?
after tt, most of us went to bugis.. had a lunch cum dinner at sketchers.. i designed my pasta.. well, i guess it;s better than wad my frens had.. coz they still feel pasta mania is better... haha...
perhaps it;s becoz i havent seen them for so long.. n the fact tt i am a roamer.. i chat with everyone, except for the same 2.. dao n bang... i said bye to bang... tt's all.. i wonder y u noe...
when j1 1st started, i tot i was quite close to bang.. when he called me to ask about work.. suddenly he stopped n we drifted apart.. well of coz.. there's yq.. n all the other chiobus.. i was realli a low profiler unlike them.. ever since then, we never realli talked.. in class, outside sch, during gatherings.. somehow.. i dunno y... we just never talk..
n dao... we were in the pool gang.. i was the onli gal in the gang.. quite extra sometimes... but they're nice people.. dunno when it realli started.. in j2, dao suddenly developed feelings for me.. he was super sweet.. did i tell u all tt? even though i am a real softee.. but ya.. no one has ever been so sweet to me before.. as in the wooing period.. he realli touched my heart.. perhaps we were not fated to be together.. becoz he was onli a gd fren to me... no chemistry...i realli treasured our frenship.. but ever since i rejected him, n made a stupid decision to choose tt idiot.. nth was ever same again...
we drifted apart.. WORLDS APART.. tt is so sad.. becoz i realli like him a lot.. just not enuff to be more than frens.. sigh.. sometimes i wondered how it would be like if we had the chemistry then.. if i felt sth then.. then may be.. we'll still be as close.. or even closer... he's still as cute as ever.. or may be even cuter.. ahh i told eugene tt i missed him some time ago.. i realli do... when can we talk like before?
i wouldnt say tt i regreted.. becoz.. i realli dun feel the same way towards him... i just couldnt say yes.. sigh sigh.. how many frens must i lose becoz of wad we all call LOVE?
had enuff.. pls.. someone save me~!!! sigh.. where r all my angels? someone help me~!!
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