Wednesday, December 26, 2007

MirAClE fALLS oN ME~!!

OH YES~! i'm not so unlucky after all...
a miracle happened to me..
I got A- for the mod i spent onli 3h on...
couldnt believe my eyes..
n i didnt screw up the other 2 i tot i was gg to get a C or sth...
i guess my hard work during the sem did pay off...

thanks to my dear who has always been there for me...
thanks to my deary bebe who's always making mummy(me) smile...
thanks to u who have heard my prayers...

motivated to work hard...
even though 2nd upper still seem pretty far away...
my goal for the rest of my 1.5 years in NUS will be to get into dean's list once..
like siyong...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.