Tuesday, May 19, 2009

hurray.. or may be not...

the last 2 weeks have been a lil more happening...
gone for a few more interviews...
got an offer by *** finally, like everyone else...
but delayed coz i have to go europe...
hopefully swine flu doesnt spread any further in europe...
today i got another offer.. having headaches... it's a short one...
not sure if i shud hope onto this bus... wad if a real one comes alone?

anyway... i have made my specialty orange cheesecake!!
hehehe cant wait to eat some tomorrow.. but i must realli go jog or swim tml..
to burn off the extra calories... supposed to be dieting... :P
right now... the cabbage is in the tub soaking...
n shirley's kimchi will be ready tml~!!!

o liverpool is coming to singapore to play with our home team...
i wonder if it';s worth watching..
my dearie is super excited tt he's dream team is coming..
n he'll get to see his gay fantasies... muahaha...
just joking...
tickets up at 88 n 188 i think...
more research needs to be done...

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