Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Yeah I am back from HK~!
It's realli a good experience..
traveling alone with ur frens..
we walked till our feets were aching like mad...
think i need some foot massage soon..
time to pamper them after the 5 days of hard work...
anyway i'll post some of the pics up soon..

been unpacking n doing a lil planning for my big day..
it's 10th aug.. my 21st birthday celebration..
was panicking the whole day about my bdae cake...
onli to realise tt my parents have already ordered one..
unfortunately, not ice cream nor cheesecake tt i was hoping for..
it's just a s imple fresh cream fruit cake in a key shape..
light n great after a bbq dinner i guess..
but it;s kinda ex.. 3kg for 30 over pple sounds like a lot to me..

the theme has been decided.. HAWAIIAN..
pple who r coming have to be dressed in those hawaiian floral clothes..
tops, bottoms, or even better sun dresses~!!
my fav of coz..
wondering how i can decorate the place...
mummy is a lil over~! hahaha
she packed some study into the luggage i brought to hk already..
including balloons~!!
hope my frens will be realli enthu tt day..
coz dear has planned some games n activities for them..
the question: "how much do u realli know shirley?" will be tested...

tml will be a busy day for mummy n me..
we'll be preparing the bbq food together with mark..
i am sure it'll be great coz my mum's realli good..
looking forward to tt special day~!!

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