Saturday, May 24, 2008

Gym day and Prawn Day

Yeah.. my first time in Fitness First yesterday..
The one in Clack Quay really have very nice view... u can see the CBD, Fullerton Hotel and the new Ferris Wheel.. it's great.. i shud bring my Vietnamese friends there next time when they come.

Today we had a gathering. PRAWNING!! Too bad we didnt take any pics..
thanks to a very nice uncle who helped us to catch lotsa fishes..
But he only share some secrets of prawning techniques towards the end..
so may be next time we can try it out again...
he even open a bbq pit for us to cook it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey paisei left so early tt day! promise to stay throughout the next outing! and fitness first looks chao nice!! eh anw go check out mphosis sales!