Friday, May 09, 2008

Thai Cruisine Day

It's mother's day on sunday...
n i cooked a feast for mummy today..
o gosh... it took me the whole day to prepare for one dinner!
so tired! but it's a good experience!
n it turned out quite well...
too bad i forgot to take a pic...
basically there's mango salad, glass noodle crab in claypot, green curry, thai fish otah, poached veg, tom yam soup and lastly, mango glutinous rice for dessert~!
hahahaha... yeah... i can cook n stock up more of my recipes...
but the washing and cleaning was horrendous.. lol...

wouldnt have done all of tt in 4.5h without the help of granny n little bro for running little errands for me.. haha...
may be i shud plan something for father's day too~!

hmmmm my freedom's gg away soon...
but i am quite excited becoz i'm gg to start work in KBR on Monday~!
hmmm dunno how to prepare and wad to expect...
keeping my fingers crossed~!

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