Sunday, April 26, 2009

Planning for Holiday

4 years of school life in NUS has sorta made me a bumble bee who cant seem to settle down and slack for a long time..
the whole reading week was quite torturing..
with one module to study for, I find myself having quite a lot of time to slacken off..
in the beginning, i was enjoying my free time after all the late nights for project work..
but this did not last for a long time..
graduating from nus, i find myself jobless...
and i noe i need to find something to keep myself on the feet during the job search process..
so i've got some planning to do here...
things I want/need to do:

1. Clear up all my junks and unwanted school materials.. (put up for sale maybe?)
2. volunteer at SPCA
3. Job search of coz..
4. Holiday at Europe
5. prepare for HPLC 2009 participation
6. Tuition
7. Meet up with KBR buddies
8. Gathering with Luna

wad else?

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