Saturday, August 29, 2009

The blessings we have are often what we take for granted

Being taken for granted, that's one of my greatest fear for all these years..
by frens, by my family and by my most loved one...
i've heard and experienced many of such cases
years into their relationship,
we forget the strong passion we had when we first felt our heart beat so fast for our loved one...
we forget how dearly we hold our loved one...
we forget how much time we could make for our loved one..
we forget that he/she is our one and only one...
Happy and blessed, we start taking all our loved one is doing for us for granted..

Here I share an old poem i found from the web:

Do not take my love for granted,
for it passes like the seasons
into its different phases.
Unmindful of attentions,
adornments and praises
and entirely without reasons,
it is because it has been.
I love because I am.

Do not take my love for granted
with subtle abuses
and things kept well hidden.
I too can have secrets.
And in some moment, unbidden,
when tired of excuses,
I'll search for an answer
and remember my roots.

Do not take my love for granted
as though a flower of summer
never would fade.
Remember, seasons have lingered sometimes
but not stayed
beyond their hour.
Sorrow comes not from absence, but neglect,
and I was not lonely when we met.

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