Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Playlist is Gone~!!!

AHHHH~! I can't play any of the songs on my playlist~!
So i had no choice but to scrap it~!
zzzz -.-"
back to my boring blog...
no music = no soul!
how irritating~!!!

trying to personalize my blog... more pictures of me and my friends...
too free on weekends nowadays...
doing all these nonsense.. ahahaha...

yesterday was a slow and relaxing day...
went to ECP for a double bike cycling with dear..
wad an alternative for gym day..
think i hardly used any effort to cycle..
left dear all the work most of the time..
so i prob burned 0 calories
:P feeling guilty...
but drinking my green tea latte... :P

it's kinda amazing to know tt some pple still read my blog since i hardly update it most of the time..
lol... as u can see the affiliates list is also getting shorter coz many of my frens have closed theirs too..
no time to maintain and update..
everyone's into facebook now.. all the catching up is done there...

I am soooo bored~!
thinking of picking up something new...
Let's see:

1. guitar? dear say i will look super cool playing one.. haha gothic + rocker style
2. japanese... prob next year..
3. brush up and recall german
4. proper roller blading
5. tennis?
6. Dreamweaver
7. Photoshop
8. how about a dance?

anyone got lobang?

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