Wednesday, December 26, 2007
MirAClE fALLS oN ME~!!
OH YES~! i'm not so unlucky after all...
a miracle happened to me..
I got A- for the mod i spent onli 3h on...
couldnt believe my eyes..
n i didnt screw up the other 2 i tot i was gg to get a C or sth...
i guess my hard work during the sem did pay off...
thanks to my dear who has always been there for me...
thanks to my deary bebe who's always making mummy(me) smile...
thanks to u who have heard my prayers...
motivated to work hard...
even though 2nd upper still seem pretty far away...
my goal for the rest of my 1.5 years in NUS will be to get into dean's list once..
like siyong...
a miracle happened to me..
I got A- for the mod i spent onli 3h on...
couldnt believe my eyes..
n i didnt screw up the other 2 i tot i was gg to get a C or sth...
i guess my hard work during the sem did pay off...
thanks to my dear who has always been there for me...
thanks to my deary bebe who's always making mummy(me) smile...
thanks to u who have heard my prayers...
motivated to work hard...
even though 2nd upper still seem pretty far away...
my goal for the rest of my 1.5 years in NUS will be to get into dean's list once..
like siyong...
Like ANts RUnNing on A hOT pOt...
it's release of exam results day..
at 1400, we will know how my careless and my cock ups has caused me...
hopefully all my efforts put in for the sem, will save my ass this time..
realli realli hope so...
keeping my fingers crossed..
holidays have been ok so far...
as i have wanted, i've been slacking everyday..
my onli accomplishments so far are conquering 2.5 korean dramas, about 1/2 of the hero series, n baking my first cake...
now, it's getting more boring..
too monotonous..
wonder wad else i can do...
at 1400, we will know how my careless and my cock ups has caused me...
hopefully all my efforts put in for the sem, will save my ass this time..
realli realli hope so...
keeping my fingers crossed..
holidays have been ok so far...
as i have wanted, i've been slacking everyday..
my onli accomplishments so far are conquering 2.5 korean dramas, about 1/2 of the hero series, n baking my first cake...
now, it's getting more boring..
too monotonous..
wonder wad else i can do...
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
all the wrong things are happening to me
This sem is a terrible one...
All the wrong things are happening..
I screwed up my last 3 papers..
mixed up dates..
took 3125 with 3h of study..
i dunno why bad luck came to me...
left my bottle on sat after 3122 paper..
found out onli after walking all the way to kent vale..
went back to src but hall was locked..
walked along the road and couldnt get onto any cab..
when i finally reached NUH taxi stand, all the cabs left the second i reached..
then i mixed up the exam dates of 3421 and 3125...
and i screwed up during exam..
it's realli bad... all these cocks up are costing me my grades..
i am gg crazy...
my frens empathize me..
but the most impt pple in my life arent realli there...
may be i expect too much..
anticipation kills..
may be it's just all wrong..
everything is going wrong...
it's just even more discouraging when i have to search for consolation..
how desperate i am...
a side nite to sth interesting i found during the study break:
nus students are very creative pple..
they have very interesting msn nicknames through out the year.
here's some of them:
All the wrong things are happening..
I screwed up my last 3 papers..
mixed up dates..
took 3125 with 3h of study..
i dunno why bad luck came to me...
left my bottle on sat after 3122 paper..
found out onli after walking all the way to kent vale..
went back to src but hall was locked..
walked along the road and couldnt get onto any cab..
when i finally reached NUH taxi stand, all the cabs left the second i reached..
then i mixed up the exam dates of 3421 and 3125...
and i screwed up during exam..
it's realli bad... all these cocks up are costing me my grades..
i am gg crazy...
my frens empathize me..
but the most impt pple in my life arent realli there...
may be i expect too much..
anticipation kills..
may be it's just all wrong..
everything is going wrong...
it's just even more discouraging when i have to search for consolation..
how desperate i am...
a side nite to sth interesting i found during the study break:
nus students are very creative pple..
they have very interesting msn nicknames through out the year.
here's some of them:
*******: a photo of yourself while mugging – mug shot
******* Take home message for lsm3251: Humans are such a big disaster. Why create exams? It's even more disastrous than the humans!
******* will be stronger. =) dun stress. you are on track. dun stress. you are on target. dun stress. TO DO today: ☐3421, ☐3122, ☐3125, ☐4119, ☑1101
Friday, November 02, 2007
This sem realli sucks...
been screwing up almost every mid term test..
dun think i'll do well this time since the mtt % are all so high..
sigh... it's laid back, slacking time...
my fight for 2nd upper is over..
success doesnt necessarily come with hard work and effort...
tt i noe.. n it's proven...
but well.. dun realli see the reason in fighting so hard anymore...
i am giving up for the first time in my life..
just do normal.. n stay within my league..
may be it's time for sth else in my life...
i wonder...
wad else can i do with my new self-given extra time?
been screwing up almost every mid term test..
dun think i'll do well this time since the mtt % are all so high..
sigh... it's laid back, slacking time...
my fight for 2nd upper is over..
success doesnt necessarily come with hard work and effort...
tt i noe.. n it's proven...
but well.. dun realli see the reason in fighting so hard anymore...
i am giving up for the first time in my life..
just do normal.. n stay within my league..
may be it's time for sth else in my life...
i wonder...
wad else can i do with my new self-given extra time?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
As the Mulan song goes...
"Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me...
When will my relfections show.. who I am inside..."
For the past few weeks, I've been doing some soul searching..
trying to plan ahead... trying to have a feel of wad i might want to work as in future...
not sure if it's becoz i've finally hit 21~!
so old yet so young...
feeling a lil lost, a lil panicky and may be panaroid...
may be becoz some of my peers seem so motivated..
so sure of where they wan to go towards to...
i'm still a lil girl.. trapped in my own world of mere sch, family and bf..
sounds kiddish and too simple to be true.. compared to the reality tt i have to face in about 2 years time..
i am gg to grad.. time to polish myself..
time to learn sth.. n very importantly search for who i wan to become..
i mean career wise...
may be i shud talk to the career office pple.. wonder if they can realli help..
i went to the bp talk just yesterday..
trading actually sounds pretty interesting..
it's exciting although the simulation game was a total disaster for our grp..
but i am not a biz person..
so.. neah.... prob not my cup of tea..
been having lots of flash backs of my 1st 2 years in nus..
made a lot of frens.. or may be jus aquaintances..
had a lot of fun..
cried a lot..
made a lot of silly mistakes.. some very bad ones..
which prob led me to the best decision i have made so far in my 2 years of nus campus life..
tt's getting to noe my dearest mark..
n to be able to go thru so much ups n downs which made us mature so much together...
it's kinda unexpected tt we ended up together..
i guess no one saw it coming..
for all the times u stood by me when i needed you..
for all the times u were my voice when i couldnt speak..
for all the times u lifted me up when i was down..
for all the times u were my eyes when i couldnt see..
i thank you with all my heart..
n i want it to stay with you for as long as it can be..

"Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me...
When will my relfections show.. who I am inside..."
For the past few weeks, I've been doing some soul searching..
trying to plan ahead... trying to have a feel of wad i might want to work as in future...
not sure if it's becoz i've finally hit 21~!
so old yet so young...
feeling a lil lost, a lil panicky and may be panaroid...
may be becoz some of my peers seem so motivated..
so sure of where they wan to go towards to...
i'm still a lil girl.. trapped in my own world of mere sch, family and bf..
sounds kiddish and too simple to be true.. compared to the reality tt i have to face in about 2 years time..
i am gg to grad.. time to polish myself..
time to learn sth.. n very importantly search for who i wan to become..
i mean career wise...
may be i shud talk to the career office pple.. wonder if they can realli help..
i went to the bp talk just yesterday..
trading actually sounds pretty interesting..
it's exciting although the simulation game was a total disaster for our grp..
but i am not a biz person..
so.. neah.... prob not my cup of tea..
been having lots of flash backs of my 1st 2 years in nus..
made a lot of frens.. or may be jus aquaintances..
had a lot of fun..
cried a lot..
made a lot of silly mistakes.. some very bad ones..
which prob led me to the best decision i have made so far in my 2 years of nus campus life..
tt's getting to noe my dearest mark..
n to be able to go thru so much ups n downs which made us mature so much together...
it's kinda unexpected tt we ended up together..
i guess no one saw it coming..
for all the times u stood by me when i needed you..
for all the times u were my voice when i couldnt speak..
for all the times u lifted me up when i was down..
for all the times u were my eyes when i couldnt see..
i thank you with all my heart..
n i want it to stay with you for as long as it can be..

Monday, August 27, 2007
i felt like i have wasted my 1st 2 weeks in sch..
havent seem to learn much so far..
the onli so called productive days were my lab days..
it's a non examinable module aka "waste-time" module among the chem engineers..
just go in clock the hours, take readings like every hour interval..
and we all stone n watch the clock hand tick..
lab reports are awfullly long..
many regard it as a waste of their precious time to mug sth else..
the other mods r just mere revision..
MTO was scary becoz it seemed like a combi of ESS and kinetics..
i think i cant remember anything tt i have learnt in the past..
so familiar yet blur in my mind..
SHE is rubbish so far.... long grandma stories tt made me wonder if i am gg to have to write essays for my exams...
----------disconnected from internet-----------------------------
it's 4th sept today btw..
i finally have time to come in to blog again..
here''s just a msg to pple who surprisingly still read my boring blog...
"i cant remember wad i wanted to say tt day.. hee :P so this is all for this post"
havent seem to learn much so far..
the onli so called productive days were my lab days..
it's a non examinable module aka "waste-time" module among the chem engineers..
just go in clock the hours, take readings like every hour interval..
and we all stone n watch the clock hand tick..
lab reports are awfullly long..
many regard it as a waste of their precious time to mug sth else..
the other mods r just mere revision..
MTO was scary becoz it seemed like a combi of ESS and kinetics..
i think i cant remember anything tt i have learnt in the past..
so familiar yet blur in my mind..
SHE is rubbish so far.... long grandma stories tt made me wonder if i am gg to have to write essays for my exams...
----------disconnected from internet-----------------------------
it's 4th sept today btw..
i finally have time to come in to blog again..
here''s just a msg to pple who surprisingly still read my boring blog...
"i cant remember wad i wanted to say tt day.. hee :P so this is all for this post"
Thursday, August 16, 2007
ah first week of sch...
it has been boring, disorganized and quite a waste of time..
feeling lethargic...
not ready for books..
the dept is so kiasu..
we started lab in our 1st week..
design tut also in 1st week..
gosh... it's gonna be a busy busy sem..
i finally had time to upload the hk pictures...
The link is:
here are some my dad took on my 21st bdae party...
The link is :
I had a lot to say a few days ago..
guess the mood isnt there anymore..
hk was great.. i wud go there again when i have the money to shop..
now i noe hk pretty well already...
hope to visit more tourists spots in future..
it was also fun, havign the chance to spend some time with 3 of my og frens..
it was a gd opportunity to noe more about them..
especially yimin, my room mate..
my bdae turned out ok..
had fun with s amll grp of frens.. basically the softballers and my uni frens..
it's realli a disappointment tt my pri sch frens couldnt make it..
especially when they onli told me just a few hours before the actual party starts..
how irresponsible and selfish..
cant help it but agree with my mum tt such frendship wudnt last much longer..
it's a sad truth..
anyway i had a lot of fun..
dear made it great with his "how much do u noe shirley" game...
i believe everyone cud see who were my closer frens..
thanks to all of u who made the effort to come down..
my life wud be very diff without each n every one of u..
3 cheers to mum n dad for all the preparation, especially the food..
it was a lot of hard work..
it has been boring, disorganized and quite a waste of time..
feeling lethargic...
not ready for books..
the dept is so kiasu..
we started lab in our 1st week..
design tut also in 1st week..
gosh... it's gonna be a busy busy sem..
i finally had time to upload the hk pictures...
The link is:
here are some my dad took on my 21st bdae party...
The link is :
I had a lot to say a few days ago..
guess the mood isnt there anymore..
hk was great.. i wud go there again when i have the money to shop..
now i noe hk pretty well already...
hope to visit more tourists spots in future..
it was also fun, havign the chance to spend some time with 3 of my og frens..
it was a gd opportunity to noe more about them..
especially yimin, my room mate..
my bdae turned out ok..
had fun with s amll grp of frens.. basically the softballers and my uni frens..
it's realli a disappointment tt my pri sch frens couldnt make it..
especially when they onli told me just a few hours before the actual party starts..
how irresponsible and selfish..
cant help it but agree with my mum tt such frendship wudnt last much longer..
it's a sad truth..
anyway i had a lot of fun..
dear made it great with his "how much do u noe shirley" game...
i believe everyone cud see who were my closer frens..
thanks to all of u who made the effort to come down..
my life wud be very diff without each n every one of u..
3 cheers to mum n dad for all the preparation, especially the food..
it was a lot of hard work..
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Yeah I am back from HK~!
It's realli a good experience..
traveling alone with ur frens..
we walked till our feets were aching like mad...
think i need some foot massage soon..
time to pamper them after the 5 days of hard work...
anyway i'll post some of the pics up soon..
been unpacking n doing a lil planning for my big day..
it's 10th aug.. my 21st birthday celebration..
was panicking the whole day about my bdae cake...
onli to realise tt my parents have already ordered one..
unfortunately, not ice cream nor cheesecake tt i was hoping for..
it's just a s imple fresh cream fruit cake in a key shape..
light n great after a bbq dinner i guess..
but it;s kinda ex.. 3kg for 30 over pple sounds like a lot to me..
the theme has been decided.. HAWAIIAN..
pple who r coming have to be dressed in those hawaiian floral clothes..
tops, bottoms, or even better sun dresses~!!
my fav of coz..
wondering how i can decorate the place...
mummy is a lil over~! hahaha
she packed some study into the luggage i brought to hk already..
including balloons~!!
hope my frens will be realli enthu tt day..
coz dear has planned some games n activities for them..
the question: "how much do u realli know shirley?" will be tested...
tml will be a busy day for mummy n me..
we'll be preparing the bbq food together with mark..
i am sure it'll be great coz my mum's realli good..
looking forward to tt special day~!!
It's realli a good experience..
traveling alone with ur frens..
we walked till our feets were aching like mad...
think i need some foot massage soon..
time to pamper them after the 5 days of hard work...
anyway i'll post some of the pics up soon..
been unpacking n doing a lil planning for my big day..
it's 10th aug.. my 21st birthday celebration..
was panicking the whole day about my bdae cake...
onli to realise tt my parents have already ordered one..
unfortunately, not ice cream nor cheesecake tt i was hoping for..
it's just a s imple fresh cream fruit cake in a key shape..
light n great after a bbq dinner i guess..
but it;s kinda ex.. 3kg for 30 over pple sounds like a lot to me..
the theme has been decided.. HAWAIIAN..
pple who r coming have to be dressed in those hawaiian floral clothes..
tops, bottoms, or even better sun dresses~!!
my fav of coz..
wondering how i can decorate the place...
mummy is a lil over~! hahaha
she packed some study into the luggage i brought to hk already..
including balloons~!!
hope my frens will be realli enthu tt day..
coz dear has planned some games n activities for them..
the question: "how much do u realli know shirley?" will be tested...
tml will be a busy day for mummy n me..
we'll be preparing the bbq food together with mark..
i am sure it'll be great coz my mum's realli good..
looking forward to tt special day~!!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
2 more months of Great Singapore Sale
GSS has been extended for another 2 more months...
i am gg to go broke like tt...
The clothes are getting more affordable..
i wonder y i am still gg to hk for shopping..
wahahaha... keeping my fingers crossed..
hope tt i can get real gd deals there..
n find nice stuff tt we cant find in sg...
i've bought 4 dresses, 3 tops, 2 skirts this holiday..
n i believe tt there will be many more to come
here's sth tt i spot in PS tt day when i went shopping..
been wanting to get a yellow dress...
or sth in yellow..
but.. i dunno... it doesnt look "wow"on me..

it's from potpourri / Yin & Yang
Theyve got lots of nice dresses...
ahahahaha.. i am a dress addict now...
it's just so easy to wear..
no worries n no headaches about wad to go with...
i am gg to go broke like tt...
The clothes are getting more affordable..
i wonder y i am still gg to hk for shopping..
wahahaha... keeping my fingers crossed..
hope tt i can get real gd deals there..
n find nice stuff tt we cant find in sg...
i've bought 4 dresses, 3 tops, 2 skirts this holiday..
n i believe tt there will be many more to come
here's sth tt i spot in PS tt day when i went shopping..
been wanting to get a yellow dress...
or sth in yellow..
but.. i dunno... it doesnt look "wow"on me..

it's from potpourri / Yin & Yang
Theyve got lots of nice dresses...
ahahahaha.. i am a dress addict now...
it's just so easy to wear..
no worries n no headaches about wad to go with...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I am getting bored...
or more like lazy....
dun feel like gg out..
dun feel like doing anything..
sch;s gg to start...
so sian...
gotta mug hard again..
may be i shud just settle with 2nd lower..
may be i shud start looking outside..
n see wad else i can try...
now i am kinda hoping tt we'll move house soon..
so mummy cud buy a falt in the west n i dun have to spend so much time travelling next sem..
it's a 5 day week.. with 6 core.. so xiong..
may be i can start giving tuition at weijin's tuition centre and start supporting myself..
lighten off the financial burden off my mum..
it's realli tough to maintain a 4.5 cap for 4 sems..
havent reach there.. how can i dream of keeping it for the next 4 sems..
do i wanna work as a chem engineer?
not sure..
wad do i wanna work as?
i onli noe i wanna take care of the puppies n dogs as a career in future even if it doesnt pay as well as a chem engineer..
now to think of it, i kinda regretted being sensible then..
if not i might be pursuing my dream in US Washington Uni.
and i'll be back in 3 years time to be a vetinary surgeon.
didnt noe tt i wud still be thinking about it now..
didnt noe tt i realli wanted it so much then..
my parents were encouraging..
it was me.. who couldnt be any less insensible..
they cud afford it..
but i just dun wan them to have such a tight pocket..
it seems so selfish..
it was of coz scary too..
for an over-protected 18 year old to go overseas alone like tt..
now i am still thinking...
just thinking...
or more like lazy....
dun feel like gg out..
dun feel like doing anything..
sch;s gg to start...
so sian...
gotta mug hard again..
may be i shud just settle with 2nd lower..
may be i shud start looking outside..
n see wad else i can try...
now i am kinda hoping tt we'll move house soon..
so mummy cud buy a falt in the west n i dun have to spend so much time travelling next sem..
it's a 5 day week.. with 6 core.. so xiong..
may be i can start giving tuition at weijin's tuition centre and start supporting myself..
lighten off the financial burden off my mum..
it's realli tough to maintain a 4.5 cap for 4 sems..
havent reach there.. how can i dream of keeping it for the next 4 sems..
do i wanna work as a chem engineer?
not sure..
wad do i wanna work as?
i onli noe i wanna take care of the puppies n dogs as a career in future even if it doesnt pay as well as a chem engineer..
now to think of it, i kinda regretted being sensible then..
if not i might be pursuing my dream in US Washington Uni.
and i'll be back in 3 years time to be a vetinary surgeon.
didnt noe tt i wud still be thinking about it now..
didnt noe tt i realli wanted it so much then..
my parents were encouraging..
it was me.. who couldnt be any less insensible..
they cud afford it..
but i just dun wan them to have such a tight pocket..
it seems so selfish..
it was of coz scary too..
for an over-protected 18 year old to go overseas alone like tt..
now i am still thinking...
just thinking...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
yipee~! I have passed my final theory test..
now gotta wait for a gs practical test timing..
privates gotta wait ridiculously long..
guess when's the next date... 17th Dec~!!
n the timing r realli bad according to my instructor..
so now we have to wait even longer for a good one..
i am so busy during the holidays..
dunno wad i am doing everyday...
brought bebe to vet today...
he's growing sooo fast~!
his carrier is getting too small for him...
.. here's a lil pic of my poor thing in his humble carrier...
now gotta wait for a gs practical test timing..
privates gotta wait ridiculously long..
guess when's the next date... 17th Dec~!!
n the timing r realli bad according to my instructor..
so now we have to wait even longer for a good one..
i am so busy during the holidays..
dunno wad i am doing everyday...
brought bebe to vet today...
he's growing sooo fast~!
his carrier is getting too small for him...
.. here's a lil pic of my poor thing in his humble carrier...

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Sadako is just next door
Here's a lil production I like to share with all of u...
All Thanks to:
Victim-my mum
Sound effect-my dad
Camera man-my dad
Video editor-my bro's fren
All Thanks to:
Victim-my mum
Sound effect-my dad
Camera man-my dad
Video editor-my bro's fren
Friday, July 13, 2007
Sons of Singapore
Today we sent off Stanley to Tekong for his enlistment..
I have to say that the living conditions are not bad...
much better than I have expected..
they had spring mattress and spacious rooms..
but i bet the rooms will stink by their 2nd day there..
we didnt get a chance to see my bro get his "new hair cut"
haha.. cant wait to see him 2 weeks later..
the oath taking ceremoney was.. i wud say.. surprisingly impressive...
they were already responding like soldiers during the ceremony...
loud, clear and manly..
I was kinda proud of my bro..
n very happy tt he has the chance to go thru this turning pt of his life..
hope we will soon see him becoming a true man..
no longer a boy..
hope he takes gd care of himself in tekong..
we all miss u bro...
I have to say that the living conditions are not bad...
much better than I have expected..
they had spring mattress and spacious rooms..
but i bet the rooms will stink by their 2nd day there..
we didnt get a chance to see my bro get his "new hair cut"
haha.. cant wait to see him 2 weeks later..
the oath taking ceremoney was.. i wud say.. surprisingly impressive...
they were already responding like soldiers during the ceremony...
loud, clear and manly..
I was kinda proud of my bro..
n very happy tt he has the chance to go thru this turning pt of his life..
hope we will soon see him becoming a true man..
no longer a boy..
hope he takes gd care of himself in tekong..
we all miss u bro...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
wad do i wan for my 21st birthday?
This is the qn tt my frens have been asking me since June..
wad do i wan?
hahaha... besides wad i already have on my wishlist, i can't realli brainstorm for anything more...
hmmmm.. wad wud i need for my life ahead?
think think think...
1. repaint the ugly wall in my new study room (hahaha anyone wanna help me?)
2. a diy album to celebrate my first 21 years
(p.s need u all to help me with this.. anyone got memorable pics to contribute?)
3. wisdom n more brains to hit dean's list once in the next 2 years
ah.... i can't think of anymore...
~ to be continued ~
wad do i wan?
hahaha... besides wad i already have on my wishlist, i can't realli brainstorm for anything more...
hmmmm.. wad wud i need for my life ahead?
think think think...
1. repaint the ugly wall in my new study room (hahaha anyone wanna help me?)
2. a diy album to celebrate my first 21 years
(p.s need u all to help me with this.. anyone got memorable pics to contribute?)
3. wisdom n more brains to hit dean's list once in the next 2 years
ah.... i can't think of anymore...
~ to be continued ~
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
my aim for the next 2 years
I was so bored...
was gg thru pple's blog..
goodness.. n congrats to siyong..
he got his dean's list~!!!
still remember tt he once called himself "the least value added boy in nus"
because he stays back in sch frequently to mug with his frens..
but his cap was always ard 3.5...
i guess he has proven tt it's possible..
it's good news for me~!
went to take a look at the dean's list for chem engine..
saw quite a few familiar names again..
appearing for the 2nd time..
it makes me wonder why these pple can hit it so easily..
wad's the secret?
i've worked pretty hard this sem..
finally got above 4..
realli happy n proud of myself..
but still a lil uncontented becoz i knew i cud have done better..
if it's not for the careless mistakes i have made...
so my aim for my next 2 years is to hit dean's list once...
i;ve been trying hard for 3 sems.. finally made it to above 4 in sem4..
to make up for the very unlucky sem 1 where i was hospitalised..
n done terribly badly...
.3 every coming sem improvement.. n i shudnt be too far away from it ya?
gambatte shirley~!!!!
was gg thru pple's blog..
goodness.. n congrats to siyong..
he got his dean's list~!!!
still remember tt he once called himself "the least value added boy in nus"
because he stays back in sch frequently to mug with his frens..
but his cap was always ard 3.5...
i guess he has proven tt it's possible..
it's good news for me~!
went to take a look at the dean's list for chem engine..
saw quite a few familiar names again..
appearing for the 2nd time..
it makes me wonder why these pple can hit it so easily..
wad's the secret?
i've worked pretty hard this sem..
finally got above 4..
realli happy n proud of myself..
but still a lil uncontented becoz i knew i cud have done better..
if it's not for the careless mistakes i have made...
so my aim for my next 2 years is to hit dean's list once...
i;ve been trying hard for 3 sems.. finally made it to above 4 in sem4..
to make up for the very unlucky sem 1 where i was hospitalised..
n done terribly badly...
.3 every coming sem improvement.. n i shudnt be too far away from it ya?
gambatte shirley~!!!!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Cruise to Nowhere...

yup.. it's super star virgo~!
went for a retreat on the sea with granny and her sisters and mother..
yes her sisters~!!
can u believe it?
I was on board with 6 other women, at least 2.5 time my age...
it was quite fun...
first day was happening..
i rushed to harbourfront right after my lessons..
no different to other kiasus singaporeans, all my grant aunt were eager to get to their rooms n get their butts on the seats in front of the dinning table as early as possible..
they were already waiting for me and my granny at the chi restaurant when we board the cruise..
well but i have to admit.. thanks to their kiasu-ism, we did not have to queue up for a table..
later, i went to visit my "grandpa"..
The lavish Las Vegas resembling sight was overwhelming...
the casino was so crowded....
one almost had to queue to gamble...
it's ridiculous~!
y i call the casino "grandpa"?
tt's becoz i always leave with some extra cash in my pocket...
it's 100% win so far...
my strategy is to look young n innocent in front of the camera spying on top of the table..
they'll give it to u..
once u got ur extra "pocket money", go buy candy n never come back~!
the evening performance was great..
much better than the previous ones tt i have watched..
it's called STREET LIFE... accompanied with lots of hip hop n jazz music..
realli my cup of tea..
i wondered if my granny realli liked it..
oh yeah... gotta highlight the magic show..
it was great!
they actually managed to invite Mike Myers from Las Vegas..
he incorprated the robotic dance moves to his performance..
he's realli entertaining...
it kinda made the cruise trip quite a bit more enjoyable than my previous times..
my 2nd day was much slower...
dim sum breakfast was ok...
then, i went to ktv with my granny n grandaunt..
luckily, i have been having some practices outside with my fren..
if not, it'll be quite embarassing to sing out loud at the central room where u get lotsa passbys..
lunch again at the chi restaurant was a total disaster...
the fish stink.. n the soup tasted weird...
we were presented a fish head twice...
twice for 5 pple.. when the others were getting the tails where there were much more meat...
we couldnt wait to head up to 12th floor for buffet..
where we routinely, go for coffee, desserts n fruits..
since lunch was bad n i didnt eat much..
i filled myself in during the buffet..
somehow the food there tasted so much more better than the chi restaurant..
after lunch... i spent most of my time alone..
with nth much to do... slept thru the afternoon...
waiting for the bbq dinner...
ha i was like a pig..
n i havent ben a pig for a long time ever since i strated wokring in STRIP..
missed being MS PIGGY~!!
this is where we had out bbq dinner..
beside the pool, i booked a table for the 7 of us...

tt's me n my granny at the table...

n tt's my great grandmother n 5th grant aunt...

my grand mother is a regular to cruise..
but she hasnt gone for 3 months due to her operation..
i am glad tt she;s still strong... n well again...
then we went to watch zhu mi mi sing..
haha surprisngly funny n entertaining..

after dinner, the grannies went on to try their luck in the casino..
while i wondered ard the ship..
it was a pleasant surprise to find tt they had a great live band..
i spend about an hour at the pub listening to great music n reading a lil bit of the book tt i brought along...
not bad at all....
Saturday, June 30, 2007
last day at RAFFLES~!
It's my last day here at raffles..
vivian's gone to visit her bro at the hospital..
now i am left all alone here in the shop..
to end this big day...
hours to rise of gst to 7%..
sales is great for every branch..
tt's becoz all the kiasu singaporeans r doing all their last min shopping everywhere..
heard tt town is freakin crowded from one of the customers..
n here at STRIP, customers have been buying our gst strategy..
i've swipped dunno how mnay credit cards for the past few days..
hope tt none of the customers wud recieve warning letters from the credit card banks soon after june..
It's my last day here at raffles..
vivian's gone to visit her bro at the hospital..
now i am left all alone here in the shop..
to end this big day...
hours to rise of gst to 7%..
sales is great for every branch..
tt's becoz all the kiasu singaporeans r doing all their last min shopping everywhere..
heard tt town is freakin crowded from one of the customers..
n here at STRIP, customers have been buying our gst strategy..
i've swipped dunno how mnay credit cards for the past few days..
hope tt none of the customers wud recieve warning letters from the credit card banks soon after june..
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Working at Raffles
After all the speculation for the past few weeks, Marcus finally transferred me to Raffles..
2 staff has quit...
One of them worked for less than a month..
I wonder y the turn over rate is so high in STRIP...
Is it the people here? The cock up HQ?
Or is it just the demanding customers that we get to meet?
Now I am here to fill in those spaces till the end of the month..
heard that they employed new staff again.. wonder how long they can last..
It's quite boring here.. I dun understand why they need so many pple here..
it's so ulu.. many customers have troubles searching for the shop..
And compared to Paragon, all the staff here have much time to idle around..
Time inches away here in Raffles..
2 staff has quit...
One of them worked for less than a month..
I wonder y the turn over rate is so high in STRIP...
Is it the people here? The cock up HQ?
Or is it just the demanding customers that we get to meet?
Now I am here to fill in those spaces till the end of the month..
heard that they employed new staff again.. wonder how long they can last..
It's quite boring here.. I dun understand why they need so many pple here..
it's so ulu.. many customers have troubles searching for the shop..
And compared to Paragon, all the staff here have much time to idle around..
Time inches away here in Raffles..
Sunday, June 03, 2007
been having lot of ups n downs lately..
drama drama...
stupid management eat my pay..
missed out one day's pay..
on top of that, the agreed payment was supposed to be 1.2k take home..
now they deduct cpf from the 1.2k...
it's pathetic.. tt's like 5 bucks per hours after cpf..
n i still have to work 6 days per week 12-9...
effectively, becoz of this job, my 6 days are gone..
so irritating...
who wud settle for a job like tt?
i was paid 6 bucks per hour n cpf on top of tt even for data entry..
it sucks... this company is quite cock up..
the salary payment date was continuously delayed...
on top of tt, almost all the therapists did not get the correct amount too..
wad nonsense...
so discouraging.. no wonder the turn over rate is so high..
2 CROS have quit last month..
wonder if it's my turn soon...
yesterday dear n i met the light of our week...
we went to take a look at a litter of mini schnauzers...
n guess wad.. we picked bebe~!!!!
he's the best 21st bdae present i've ever recieved...
he's realli, cute, smart n observant...
n becoz of tt, it'll probably be a challenge to train him too..
hahaha... i am sure my holiday will be realli fulfilling now...
here's a lil pic of my dearest..

not forgetting manling~!!!
hope they get along well together...

isnt she cute?!!!
she's like 14 years old already!!!
love them lots~!!
drama drama...
stupid management eat my pay..
missed out one day's pay..
on top of that, the agreed payment was supposed to be 1.2k take home..
now they deduct cpf from the 1.2k...
it's pathetic.. tt's like 5 bucks per hours after cpf..
n i still have to work 6 days per week 12-9...
effectively, becoz of this job, my 6 days are gone..
so irritating...
who wud settle for a job like tt?
i was paid 6 bucks per hour n cpf on top of tt even for data entry..
it sucks... this company is quite cock up..
the salary payment date was continuously delayed...
on top of tt, almost all the therapists did not get the correct amount too..
wad nonsense...
so discouraging.. no wonder the turn over rate is so high..
2 CROS have quit last month..
wonder if it's my turn soon...
yesterday dear n i met the light of our week...
we went to take a look at a litter of mini schnauzers...
n guess wad.. we picked bebe~!!!!
he's the best 21st bdae present i've ever recieved...
he's realli, cute, smart n observant...
n becoz of tt, it'll probably be a challenge to train him too..
hahaha... i am sure my holiday will be realli fulfilling now...
here's a lil pic of my dearest..

not forgetting manling~!!!
hope they get along well together...

isnt she cute?!!!
she's like 14 years old already!!!
love them lots~!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
tough day at work
I am getting a lil worried becoz there's a new girl in the house..
she's as old as me.. but becoz she stopped sch after o levels, she's actually worked in some spa as receptionist for some time..
as she starts to pick up more n more stuff.. i get more worried..
coz now we'll have 2 full time ard.. though chantel is sales consultant, it's pretty much the same.. just tt she has sales to do..
i am jus worried tt i will be transferred ard when i become dispensable..
my branch is great.. nice theraphists, nice manager... flexible meal hours unlike other branches..
n worse still, i made a mistake today.. small one.. but still..
sigh.. i dunno...
dun wan to be like joycelyn..
tml chantel wont be ard... gotta shine n show who's the boss here..
gambatte~!!!!!'s my 6th day w/o leave.. 3 more days to go..
i must realli pamper myself on sunday..
she's as old as me.. but becoz she stopped sch after o levels, she's actually worked in some spa as receptionist for some time..
as she starts to pick up more n more stuff.. i get more worried..
coz now we'll have 2 full time ard.. though chantel is sales consultant, it's pretty much the same.. just tt she has sales to do..
i am jus worried tt i will be transferred ard when i become dispensable..
my branch is great.. nice theraphists, nice manager... flexible meal hours unlike other branches..
n worse still, i made a mistake today.. small one.. but still..
sigh.. i dunno...
dun wan to be like joycelyn..
tml chantel wont be ard... gotta shine n show who's the boss here..
gambatte~!!!!!'s my 6th day w/o leave.. 3 more days to go..
i must realli pamper myself on sunday..
Monday, May 14, 2007
Yeah.. I have finally started to fit into STRIP~!
nonono not strip!
STRIP is a shop under SPA ESPIRIT tt I am working for this holiday.
STRIP offers nails, waxing and IPL services.
And I am working in the paragon branch!
It's much more interesting than data entry..
Time passes by realli fast becoz we're busy almost every min.
You wont believe how many people do waxing everyday.
I dun even do it myself! Ha!
i am quite gd with the fone and the appointment taking now..
Gotta learn the POS and the diff promo and prices from now on..
One thing about this assignment is tt meals are realli expensive in orchard..
I spend at least 5 bucks every meal..
Must start to ta bao from home when I am more settled..
okie.. tt's all for now...
nonono not strip!
STRIP is a shop under SPA ESPIRIT tt I am working for this holiday.
STRIP offers nails, waxing and IPL services.
And I am working in the paragon branch!
It's much more interesting than data entry..
Time passes by realli fast becoz we're busy almost every min.
You wont believe how many people do waxing everyday.
I dun even do it myself! Ha!
i am quite gd with the fone and the appointment taking now..
Gotta learn the POS and the diff promo and prices from now on..
One thing about this assignment is tt meals are realli expensive in orchard..
I spend at least 5 bucks every meal..
Must start to ta bao from home when I am more settled..
okie.. tt's all for now...
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
i just brought my 2 dearest dogs out for a walk just now...
it's realli a wonder how dogs can control their pee pee and poo poo all the way until the end of the day when their owners bring them out for a walk..
boy boy was running from tree to tree, plant to plant, lamp posts to lamp posts, claiming his territory with his "useful waste"...
they can control it so well that they can ensure an almost even spread throughout their journey...
dunno how they manage tt..
it's realli a wonder how dogs can control their pee pee and poo poo all the way until the end of the day when their owners bring them out for a walk..
boy boy was running from tree to tree, plant to plant, lamp posts to lamp posts, claiming his territory with his "useful waste"...
they can control it so well that they can ensure an almost even spread throughout their journey...
dunno how they manage tt..
Thursday, May 03, 2007
bad bad day
yesterday was realli a bad day..
i woke up with a pair of sore eyes..
late for my date with dear..
rushed out of house with 2 different sandels..
bought a beautiful pair of white sandels..
n i got 2 huge blisters on each of my lil toes...
i realli mean HUGE HUGE HUGE!!
the onli beautiful pleasant thing tt happened to me is shopping with dear dear..
havent got to spend much time with him during the exam period..
my feet hurts right now... walked too much these 2 days..
covered first half of orchard with dear yesterday..
today with cheryl..
everyone's gg for intern.. buying formal wear..
haha.. i wonder when's my turn..
i probably look realli awkward in power suites...
think i shud get a pair of specs soon..
but i look very nerdy.. how how..
i woke up with a pair of sore eyes..
late for my date with dear..
rushed out of house with 2 different sandels..
bought a beautiful pair of white sandels..
n i got 2 huge blisters on each of my lil toes...
i realli mean HUGE HUGE HUGE!!
the onli beautiful pleasant thing tt happened to me is shopping with dear dear..
havent got to spend much time with him during the exam period..
my feet hurts right now... walked too much these 2 days..
covered first half of orchard with dear yesterday..
today with cheryl..
everyone's gg for intern.. buying formal wear..
haha.. i wonder when's my turn..
i probably look realli awkward in power suites...
think i shud get a pair of specs soon..
but i look very nerdy.. how how..
Monday, April 30, 2007
i havent blogged for about 3 weeks!!!
it's the exam period.. and i joined the rat race...
i've been a lot more focused this sem..
i believe tt this wud probably be my best sem..
today's my last paper.. yea! so happy!
finally free!!
i've been quite a mugger for the past 2 weeks..
reali no life.. stuck in my room the entire day...
i guess my r/s have a part to play..
we're more steady now...
realli wanna thank him for being so understanding...
when i'm back tml... gotta do some planning for this holiday..
oh did i mention tt some of us are gg to hk together?!!
so exciting!!!
but i agree with hb... must do sth about our weight first.. hahaha...
waiting for pple to come online to compare past year papers ans with me..
other than tt, i dun think i am gg to do anymore studying..
sian liao..
in holiday mood!!!
i havent blogged for about 3 weeks!!!
it's the exam period.. and i joined the rat race...
i've been a lot more focused this sem..
i believe tt this wud probably be my best sem..
today's my last paper.. yea! so happy!
finally free!!
i've been quite a mugger for the past 2 weeks..
reali no life.. stuck in my room the entire day...
i guess my r/s have a part to play..
we're more steady now...
realli wanna thank him for being so understanding...
when i'm back tml... gotta do some planning for this holiday..
oh did i mention tt some of us are gg to hk together?!!
so exciting!!!
but i agree with hb... must do sth about our weight first.. hahaha...
waiting for pple to come online to compare past year papers ans with me..
other than tt, i dun think i am gg to do anymore studying..
sian liao..
in holiday mood!!!
Monday, April 09, 2007
the end....just like tt...
其实我一直都在等 一直在等
其实根本就不必等 等吧不必等
其实我一直都在等 一直在等
其实根本就不必等 等吧不必等
其实我一直都在等 一直在等
其实根本就不必等 等吧不必等
其实我一直都在等 一直在等
其实根本就不必等 等吧不必等
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
1 down, 1 more to go..
yeah, finished pdc 2nd mid term test... 30% gao dim le!!!
i'm in lib mugging part tech.. sigh.. no life...
reading filtration for the past one hour.. cannot get anything into my brain..
i dun remember anything!!!!
thanks to uddin's cock up.. 1st test onli 15%, 2nd test is 25%...
well, we realli got to thank him...
many of us tot we wud do well, but guess we arent tt good eh...
but now, everyone super kan chiong about part tech.. higher weightage n a chance to redeem ourselves..
the modules in chem eng arent as tough n scary as we have been hearing from our seniors..
it's actually peer pressure... the PEOPLE... or shud i say.. the SIAO KIAs...
i'm sure the other engineers can feel a lil of it..
every mon the year2s will flock the canteen..
no they're not eating.. they wud all be busy trying to solve the assignments due at 12 noon or busy trying to copy from the pros..
every single mark counts...
damn kiasu..
but u cant complain n just let go..
let go a lil bit, n u'll see Mr C saying hi to u after exams..
then u will be stuck forever in the 3rd class league...
spoil mkt!!!
i'm in lib mugging part tech.. sigh.. no life...
reading filtration for the past one hour.. cannot get anything into my brain..
i dun remember anything!!!!
thanks to uddin's cock up.. 1st test onli 15%, 2nd test is 25%...
well, we realli got to thank him...
many of us tot we wud do well, but guess we arent tt good eh...
but now, everyone super kan chiong about part tech.. higher weightage n a chance to redeem ourselves..
the modules in chem eng arent as tough n scary as we have been hearing from our seniors..
it's actually peer pressure... the PEOPLE... or shud i say.. the SIAO KIAs...
i'm sure the other engineers can feel a lil of it..
every mon the year2s will flock the canteen..
no they're not eating.. they wud all be busy trying to solve the assignments due at 12 noon or busy trying to copy from the pros..
every single mark counts...
damn kiasu..
but u cant complain n just let go..
let go a lil bit, n u'll see Mr C saying hi to u after exams..
then u will be stuck forever in the 3rd class league...
spoil mkt!!!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
feifei jian fei..
went to jog today..
managed to finish my 30min route without any cramps..
i need to find a new route.. it;s getting boring and mentally discouraging..
i sang the cheers we used to do in tk during training to encourage myself..
it kinda distracted me from the fact tt there's still a long way to go ahead..
here's one of them:
(echo after every line)
whello x6
everywhere we go
people wan to noe
who we are
where we come from
so we tell them
we are from tk!
strong and mighty tk! template scripts are getting very user-unfriendly..
every line one after another w/o any paragraphing...
it sucks.. i cant chage my skin like tt
went to jog today..
managed to finish my 30min route without any cramps..
i need to find a new route.. it;s getting boring and mentally discouraging..
i sang the cheers we used to do in tk during training to encourage myself..
it kinda distracted me from the fact tt there's still a long way to go ahead..
here's one of them:
(echo after every line)
whello x6
everywhere we go
people wan to noe
who we are
where we come from
so we tell them
we are from tk!
strong and mighty tk! template scripts are getting very user-unfriendly..
every line one after another w/o any paragraphing...
it sucks.. i cant chage my skin like tt
Thursday, March 15, 2007
i am very pissed off lately by someone..
it's so irritating when u keep getting leached by someone who doesnt put in any effort into his own business..
it's even more frustrating when he's so selfish tt he onli thinks for himself, for his own convenience, for his own comfort..
u feel this reserve to treat him as a true sincere fren..
u feel the reserve to share with him..
y help a person who doesnt wan to help himself?
the turn outs of the luna gatherings lately are getting from bad to worse..
it's quite sad tt we're no longer as close as before..
pple start to drift away... to their own cliques..
i happen to stay loyal to this disrupting grp..
i;ve reminding pple of bdaes n organizing bdae celebrations...
pple dun seem to understand tt it isnt as simple as they are..
it's a time for us to bond and gather again despite the diff schedule and commitments we have..
surely, we're just frens.. there's no commitment, no responsibilities like we have for our family and partners to discuss here..
but shud i stop?
prob no one has ever tot of how the organizers feel when the turn out is so low, not if they have done it before..
the usual participants get tired of the low turn out rates.. they feel tt it's meaningless to spare some time from their busy schedule to meet these "frens".. they are discouraged..
so the situation worsened..
everyone find it meaningless..
y am i still doing it..
i ask myself.. even though we're not super bonded, will luna still be able to maintain wad we are right now, if i stopped when i first got discouraged?
cant imagine how things wud be if tt happened..
is it my own wishful thinking tt luna will stay united?
it sure seems so...
when so many pple dun seem to care, shud i stop bothering about such silly things?
shud i let the same mistake happen again?
w/o me, we missed 2 bdae celebrations..
shud i?
it's so irritating when u keep getting leached by someone who doesnt put in any effort into his own business..
it's even more frustrating when he's so selfish tt he onli thinks for himself, for his own convenience, for his own comfort..
u feel this reserve to treat him as a true sincere fren..
u feel the reserve to share with him..
y help a person who doesnt wan to help himself?
the turn outs of the luna gatherings lately are getting from bad to worse..
it's quite sad tt we're no longer as close as before..
pple start to drift away... to their own cliques..
i happen to stay loyal to this disrupting grp..
i;ve reminding pple of bdaes n organizing bdae celebrations...
pple dun seem to understand tt it isnt as simple as they are..
it's a time for us to bond and gather again despite the diff schedule and commitments we have..
surely, we're just frens.. there's no commitment, no responsibilities like we have for our family and partners to discuss here..
but shud i stop?
prob no one has ever tot of how the organizers feel when the turn out is so low, not if they have done it before..
the usual participants get tired of the low turn out rates.. they feel tt it's meaningless to spare some time from their busy schedule to meet these "frens".. they are discouraged..
so the situation worsened..
everyone find it meaningless..
y am i still doing it..
i ask myself.. even though we're not super bonded, will luna still be able to maintain wad we are right now, if i stopped when i first got discouraged?
cant imagine how things wud be if tt happened..
is it my own wishful thinking tt luna will stay united?
it sure seems so...
when so many pple dun seem to care, shud i stop bothering about such silly things?
shud i let the same mistake happen again?
w/o me, we missed 2 bdae celebrations..
shud i?
Sunday, March 11, 2007
taking my 21st bdae party seriously...
haha u must be wondering y i have time to do such silly things now..
mum has been bugging me about my 21st bdae almost everyday..
somehow i am influenced... am i am starting to plan it already..
it's like half a year away... lol..
i made an online poll in zoomerang.. and randomly send out to some of my frens..
10 have taken the survey so far... and here are the results till this min..

sb doesnt wanna have a chalet.. which means.. aranda is prob out since i have to book 2 nights which cause 400 bucks.. n sun, sb will probably be having her 21st bdae party... so no pt having chalet on sunday..
some pple have strong protest againt safra coz it;s super ulu..
hahaha so i am still waiting for replies...

This is the date... well quite obviously sat is the ideal day.. so.. yup... it's fixed!!!!
i am so excited about the coming holiday!!! yippee!!
now who to include in my invite list.....???

mum has been bugging me about my 21st bdae almost everyday..
somehow i am influenced... am i am starting to plan it already..
it's like half a year away... lol..
i made an online poll in zoomerang.. and randomly send out to some of my frens..
10 have taken the survey so far... and here are the results till this min..
sb doesnt wanna have a chalet.. which means.. aranda is prob out since i have to book 2 nights which cause 400 bucks.. n sun, sb will probably be having her 21st bdae party... so no pt having chalet on sunday..
some pple have strong protest againt safra coz it;s super ulu..
hahaha so i am still waiting for replies...
This is the date... well quite obviously sat is the ideal day.. so.. yup... it's fixed!!!!
i am so excited about the coming holiday!!! yippee!!
now who to include in my invite list.....???

Friday, March 09, 2007
study smart since u r not smart
this sem's mid term seems to prove sth...
i am not as smart as my peers...
so i shud study smarter now.. n not just merely mug hard..
thank god raj was lenient.. still got a A, along with at least 1/3 of the cohort for PDC..
kinetics was rather surprising..
haha loren seemed more excited than i am... "u got 9/10!" he shouted when i came into the lab..
i dunno if it's gd.. coz i still feel like i dunno much..
still glad tt i did the paper myself..
sense of achievement i gues..
let's hope my careless mistake wasnt too costly in hmt now..
anyway i checked out with OCC and Aranda..
sigh.. freakin ex!!
$25 per pax for a decent dinner.. it's madness!!
now i am considering, safra, aloha loyang and aranda...
i wan to have a chalet beside the pool if possible..
aranda isnt.. but it's a big place, fully air conditioned..
safra's big too.. but very ulu.. pple will have to take shuttle bus in n out..
not very convenient for pple who dun wanna stay over...
aloha's probably the one tt fits all my criteria best..
but yimin already had hers there.. wud it be boring to have it there again?
n it's not fully air conditioned.. so i dunno...
how how???
i am not as smart as my peers...
so i shud study smarter now.. n not just merely mug hard..
thank god raj was lenient.. still got a A, along with at least 1/3 of the cohort for PDC..
kinetics was rather surprising..
haha loren seemed more excited than i am... "u got 9/10!" he shouted when i came into the lab..
i dunno if it's gd.. coz i still feel like i dunno much..
still glad tt i did the paper myself..
sense of achievement i gues..
let's hope my careless mistake wasnt too costly in hmt now..
anyway i checked out with OCC and Aranda..
sigh.. freakin ex!!
$25 per pax for a decent dinner.. it's madness!!
now i am considering, safra, aloha loyang and aranda...
i wan to have a chalet beside the pool if possible..
aranda isnt.. but it's a big place, fully air conditioned..
safra's big too.. but very ulu.. pple will have to take shuttle bus in n out..
not very convenient for pple who dun wanna stay over...
aloha's probably the one tt fits all my criteria best..
but yimin already had hers there.. wud it be boring to have it there again?
n it's not fully air conditioned.. so i dunno...
how how???
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
end of hell week... yippee~!!
hai... last week was wad all chem engineers called hell week..
we had 3 mid term tests and 3 assignments to hand in..
and the most disturbing thing is tt most of them were due on the same day we have our tests..
cny was totally ruined...
coinciding with the first 2 days of our study break, we had 2 lesser holiday days..
crap.. who could realli enjoy cny with 3 mtt n 3 assignments behind our head?
well, i still tried to enjoy it to the fullest...
not touching any webcasts or tutorials for the first 3 days.. hehehe...
but the rest of the week was hell... all the way till last sat...
we're up against real competition... prob worse than our senior batch...
some spoilers bring homework to parties..
yes.. it's tt bad...
i'm quite satisfied with my prep for most of the 3 tests..
pdc n hmt was easy... but i made careless mistakes.. darn..
quite costly i believe.. when the test is easy...
n i realised tt when chem engineers say "quite ok", they mean "i can get full marks" not a B+ onli..
o gosh... feel tt my efforts a lil wasted.. but sometimes such things happen.. cock ups.. well it always happen to me.. careless me...
my prep for kinetics was the worst... realli felt like i didnt noe much..
surprisingly, the test was not too bad.. prop got a few wrong..
but it didnt feel as bad as last year's mtt tt i attempted..
whu noes.. it might be my best paper so far...
sat was great... went to shop for yimin's present...
went to watch movie with dear.. n we went buffet cum kbox!!
hehehe... we havent met for 1 whole week!!!
everything was great!
sunday, we cleberated yimin;s bdae...
she was very busy the entire day..
getting very kanchiong like those aunties...
dunno wad to wear... n scamppering ard the entire day.. muahaha..
she brought her entire closet to chalet..
i helped her a lil with the food..
think it was not bad.. weijin they all said the beehoon is nice..
haha... learnt quite a bit on the dos n donts in such parties...
will be useful when i have my own in aug...
n pple.. it'll most prob be on 11th or 12th aug.. most prob 11th..
venue prob aranda country club (pasir ris) or orchid country club (yishun)...
aranda is 250 per night, with 2 rooms.. most of u shud have seen it.. coz i organise all my chalets there... it has bbq pit outside n we gotta order our own food..
occ is more ulu but there's a shuttle bus from 2 mrts i think.. about 110 per night inclusive of 2 breakfast n bbq dinner for 4, can add on if required. in fact, the have pple to help u bbq.. the value added thing is tt they have paint ball if we wanna play... haha... but the room is onli half of aranda..
if u get to read this, let me noe where u prefer..
we had 3 mid term tests and 3 assignments to hand in..
and the most disturbing thing is tt most of them were due on the same day we have our tests..
cny was totally ruined...
coinciding with the first 2 days of our study break, we had 2 lesser holiday days..
crap.. who could realli enjoy cny with 3 mtt n 3 assignments behind our head?
well, i still tried to enjoy it to the fullest...
not touching any webcasts or tutorials for the first 3 days.. hehehe...
but the rest of the week was hell... all the way till last sat...
we're up against real competition... prob worse than our senior batch...
some spoilers bring homework to parties..
yes.. it's tt bad...
i'm quite satisfied with my prep for most of the 3 tests..
pdc n hmt was easy... but i made careless mistakes.. darn..
quite costly i believe.. when the test is easy...
n i realised tt when chem engineers say "quite ok", they mean "i can get full marks" not a B+ onli..
o gosh... feel tt my efforts a lil wasted.. but sometimes such things happen.. cock ups.. well it always happen to me.. careless me...
my prep for kinetics was the worst... realli felt like i didnt noe much..
surprisingly, the test was not too bad.. prop got a few wrong..
but it didnt feel as bad as last year's mtt tt i attempted..
whu noes.. it might be my best paper so far...
sat was great... went to shop for yimin's present...
went to watch movie with dear.. n we went buffet cum kbox!!
hehehe... we havent met for 1 whole week!!!
everything was great!
sunday, we cleberated yimin;s bdae...
she was very busy the entire day..
getting very kanchiong like those aunties...
dunno wad to wear... n scamppering ard the entire day.. muahaha..
she brought her entire closet to chalet..
i helped her a lil with the food..
think it was not bad.. weijin they all said the beehoon is nice..
haha... learnt quite a bit on the dos n donts in such parties...
will be useful when i have my own in aug...
n pple.. it'll most prob be on 11th or 12th aug.. most prob 11th..
venue prob aranda country club (pasir ris) or orchid country club (yishun)...
aranda is 250 per night, with 2 rooms.. most of u shud have seen it.. coz i organise all my chalets there... it has bbq pit outside n we gotta order our own food..
occ is more ulu but there's a shuttle bus from 2 mrts i think.. about 110 per night inclusive of 2 breakfast n bbq dinner for 4, can add on if required. in fact, the have pple to help u bbq.. the value added thing is tt they have paint ball if we wanna play... haha... but the room is onli half of aranda..
if u get to read this, let me noe where u prefer..
Saturday, February 17, 2007
a depressing lunar new year eve
wad m i doing on this supposedly exciting day?
mugging n webcasting..
this sucks..
now i appreciate granny at home..
she'll cook.. n mum will not nag, will not make a big fuss n become autocratic n claim tt she;s right about everything..
n we'll be playing mahjong right now instead of self-entertaining myself right now..
how sad..
may be i shud fashion parade my new year clothes now n choose sth to wear..
mugging n webcasting..
this sucks..
now i appreciate granny at home..
she'll cook.. n mum will not nag, will not make a big fuss n become autocratic n claim tt she;s right about everything..
n we'll be playing mahjong right now instead of self-entertaining myself right now..
how sad..
may be i shud fashion parade my new year clothes now n choose sth to wear..
the loudness of serenity..
tml's cny.. finally!!
have a feeling tt this 1 week study break is gg to past realli realli fast again..
i;m behind time... got 5h of webcast to watch, 1 uncompleted hw.. which i got no idea how to and another one tt shouldnt take too long..
besides all tt, we'll be having 3 mid term tests after the break.. sheesh...
so much work to do...
time management is almost all about setting ur priorities right..
giving time to wad u feel most important to u.. n gg down the list...
i;ve got quite a lot to do this coming week..
have a feeling tt this 1 week study break is gg to past realli realli fast again..
i;m behind time... got 5h of webcast to watch, 1 uncompleted hw.. which i got no idea how to and another one tt shouldnt take too long..
besides all tt, we'll be having 3 mid term tests after the break.. sheesh...
so much work to do...
time management is almost all about setting ur priorities right..
giving time to wad u feel most important to u.. n gg down the list...
i;ve got quite a lot to do this coming week..
Friday, February 16, 2007
An evEnTfUl 1 yEAR...
2 days ago, we celebrated our 2nd official valentine's day and also our 1st year anniversary..
it's a very important day for the both of us..
i was eager and excited...
much money and time was spent to prepare for this special day..
staying up till 4.30am to finish up the presents was definitely worth it...
it's the best gift i have ever made..
so proud of myself.. lol...
i made this photo album with a hand sewn furry blue cover..
it contained some of the best pictures we have taken for the past 1 year...
it's like some scrap book...
every page has its own theme, has its own look..
just like every other day in our lives...
but wad's important is tt this album captures our story for the past 1 year...
wad ever happens, the onli thing tt matters is tt we're together...
i feel tt it;s a very meaningful gift and i hope that we can fill up the remaining pages..
n complete many more albums together in the future...
it'll be great if we can go thru all of them in future when we're old..
i'll upload some of my fav pages later.. it's all with him..
o.. loren gave me a great idea...
anyone wan to make sth like tt for special ocassions in future?
just let me noe.. gimme the pics, i'll get the materials and help u compile everything together with a reward for the service of coz.. lol....
i enjoy making such stuff...
then, i tired to make truffles for him and lunatics...
once again, it;s proven tt we shud never follow the recipes...
onli my peanut truffles were successful..
they all taste great in my opinion..
but they all melted except for the peanut ones...
thank goodness tt everyone appreciated the effort and tried a few each..
think yimin ate quite a few, ya? lol...
the roses tt dear bought were the best looking ones ard i;ve seen in engine..
he must have spent a lot this year...
he also bought me a pair of earings..
n how thoughtful he is to get me the driving theory tests books...
the best was saved to the last... he made these A4 cards with grafitti bkg of special messages he has sent me the past 1 year and pasted our pocket size pictures on top..
it;s realli sweet...
n the best part of it is the envelope... looks damn zai...
when i first got it, i though he bought it..
looks very professional with logos n all..
shall post some pics up here soon...
the day itself was pretty simple and yet romantic..
dear's right.. we shudt rush....
it's a lot more comfortable i guess...
we went to marine parade n play some pool...
it seems like one of our fav common past time already...
then went to fish n co for seafood platter!!!!
wa very filling...
last but not least, we went to ecp - the place we first met and the place we first dated..
he tried to light up the candles he used to form "i luv u" and a heart at the bottom but the wind was just too strong...
so we went to somwhere near my place instead to try...
after many attempts, we finally succeed!!!
it's realli sweet of him....
i'm glad tt we are still together today...
n looking forward to the rest of our lives together..
i luv u dear...
thanks for everything...
it's a very important day for the both of us..
i was eager and excited...
much money and time was spent to prepare for this special day..
staying up till 4.30am to finish up the presents was definitely worth it...
it's the best gift i have ever made..
so proud of myself.. lol...
i made this photo album with a hand sewn furry blue cover..
it contained some of the best pictures we have taken for the past 1 year...
it's like some scrap book...
every page has its own theme, has its own look..
just like every other day in our lives...
but wad's important is tt this album captures our story for the past 1 year...
wad ever happens, the onli thing tt matters is tt we're together...
i feel tt it;s a very meaningful gift and i hope that we can fill up the remaining pages..
n complete many more albums together in the future...
it'll be great if we can go thru all of them in future when we're old..
i'll upload some of my fav pages later.. it's all with him..
o.. loren gave me a great idea...
anyone wan to make sth like tt for special ocassions in future?
just let me noe.. gimme the pics, i'll get the materials and help u compile everything together with a reward for the service of coz.. lol....
i enjoy making such stuff...
then, i tired to make truffles for him and lunatics...
once again, it;s proven tt we shud never follow the recipes...
onli my peanut truffles were successful..
they all taste great in my opinion..
but they all melted except for the peanut ones...
thank goodness tt everyone appreciated the effort and tried a few each..
think yimin ate quite a few, ya? lol...
the roses tt dear bought were the best looking ones ard i;ve seen in engine..
he must have spent a lot this year...
he also bought me a pair of earings..
n how thoughtful he is to get me the driving theory tests books...
the best was saved to the last... he made these A4 cards with grafitti bkg of special messages he has sent me the past 1 year and pasted our pocket size pictures on top..
it;s realli sweet...
n the best part of it is the envelope... looks damn zai...
when i first got it, i though he bought it..
looks very professional with logos n all..
shall post some pics up here soon...
the day itself was pretty simple and yet romantic..
dear's right.. we shudt rush....
it's a lot more comfortable i guess...
we went to marine parade n play some pool...
it seems like one of our fav common past time already...
then went to fish n co for seafood platter!!!!
wa very filling...
last but not least, we went to ecp - the place we first met and the place we first dated..
he tried to light up the candles he used to form "i luv u" and a heart at the bottom but the wind was just too strong...
so we went to somwhere near my place instead to try...
after many attempts, we finally succeed!!!
it's realli sweet of him....
i'm glad tt we are still together today...
n looking forward to the rest of our lives together..
i luv u dear...
thanks for everything...
Friday, February 09, 2007
5 days to Vday~!!!
ah! part tech test is finally over...
though it didnt go as well as i hoped it wud be, it's still a burden off my shoulder...
kinetics kinda drive me to nuts..
i kinda like it.. coz it's more of thinking questions..
but.. i think there are too many concepts n equations for me now..
still quite lost... gotta read up the text book again..
life as a uni student isnt very exciting actually..
i've got never ending webcasts to cast and pilling up tutorials to do..
i;ve just got so much to do everyday...
relali wonder how much different life wud be if i am studying overseas right now..
siang say tt it's a lot more slower in sydney..
ah i wish i wish i wish..
just wish tt i can slack one full day every week w/o feeling guilty the next day...
the books will never go away.. the tutorials will still be there whether u like or or not...
it's ironical to realise tt one of the most pleasant thing i cherish this sem so far are my so called "free days" when i get to sleep a few more hours.. even though i still have webcasts to watch, it's still a lot better compared to the normal sch days..
i msg him just 2 days ago to say thank you and bye...
feels great to be able to let go of everything.. even the hatred...
though i have left my feelings on the day i was melted by my dear, the same questions still linger ard my head n occasionally they will surface and i start wondering how it cud ended tt horribly...
it has past so long ago.. n i have finally been able to kick away the hatred too...
i feel lighter.. and may be i can see love in a much simpler way from now on again...
time will heal all wounds.. tt's right..
but some bonds can never be forged or fixed back again...
let bygones be bygones..
i am a much happier person right now...
cherished and loved by someone special...
i hope i will also be able to give my everything without any holding back like u one day..
thanks for being there my dear...
looking forward to 14th feb...
though it didnt go as well as i hoped it wud be, it's still a burden off my shoulder...
kinetics kinda drive me to nuts..
i kinda like it.. coz it's more of thinking questions..
but.. i think there are too many concepts n equations for me now..
still quite lost... gotta read up the text book again..
life as a uni student isnt very exciting actually..
i've got never ending webcasts to cast and pilling up tutorials to do..
i;ve just got so much to do everyday...
relali wonder how much different life wud be if i am studying overseas right now..
siang say tt it's a lot more slower in sydney..
ah i wish i wish i wish..
just wish tt i can slack one full day every week w/o feeling guilty the next day...
the books will never go away.. the tutorials will still be there whether u like or or not...
it's ironical to realise tt one of the most pleasant thing i cherish this sem so far are my so called "free days" when i get to sleep a few more hours.. even though i still have webcasts to watch, it's still a lot better compared to the normal sch days..
i msg him just 2 days ago to say thank you and bye...
feels great to be able to let go of everything.. even the hatred...
though i have left my feelings on the day i was melted by my dear, the same questions still linger ard my head n occasionally they will surface and i start wondering how it cud ended tt horribly...
it has past so long ago.. n i have finally been able to kick away the hatred too...
i feel lighter.. and may be i can see love in a much simpler way from now on again...
time will heal all wounds.. tt's right..
but some bonds can never be forged or fixed back again...
let bygones be bygones..
i am a much happier person right now...
cherished and loved by someone special...
i hope i will also be able to give my everything without any holding back like u one day..
thanks for being there my dear...
looking forward to 14th feb...
Monday, February 05, 2007
Welcome to my new blog skin
I met up with 7 other 03s44 classmates in ps swensons last saturday night for dinner... wasnt as bad as i tot... not the turn out.. but most of the 7 were my pool gang in vj.. so... not too bad.. caught up with one another.. n talked to dy a lil.. i'm just glad tt things arent as bad as i tot.. at least it seems so...
mum blew up last night..
i dunno how to make an autocratic person learn to relax and understand tt u dun always have to be in control of everything..
it's quite a sad to feel tt i dun like to be home.. especially in the day..
it;s like it;s supposed to be the safest place..
but peace was not for long ever since mum came back from the hospital..
i like to help..
but i have millions of things to do on my list.
i cant event finish my tuts in time..
it;s realli hard to just put everyhting aside n attend to the household chores before u complete them..
i am so troubled...
n there's no one tt i can talk to..
how sad...
no one to hold me up...
it;s just complicated...
mum blew up last night..
i dunno how to make an autocratic person learn to relax and understand tt u dun always have to be in control of everything..
it's quite a sad to feel tt i dun like to be home.. especially in the day..
it;s like it;s supposed to be the safest place..
but peace was not for long ever since mum came back from the hospital..
i like to help..
but i have millions of things to do on my list.
i cant event finish my tuts in time..
it;s realli hard to just put everyhting aside n attend to the household chores before u complete them..
i am so troubled...
n there's no one tt i can talk to..
how sad...
no one to hold me up...
it;s just complicated...
Saturday, January 27, 2007
wad is forever?
"i will love you forever" tt's the phrase tt melts not only women, but many other men..
what does this phrase mean to u?
these simple 5 words convey sth so complicated and many a times undescribable, ur feelings to ur special one..
it means even more becoz of the last word, "forever"...
it is more than just a word...
it means commitment..
it makes it a promise...
a promise of a life time...
to me, it is all just empty words... until the day i die in peace with no regrets of meeting my man...
why do pple like to make such empty promises?
it is definitely not wrong... if u realli meant it when u say it..
does it mean tt i lied, if i said tt "i will be there for u forever" today, n i met someone better 10 years down the road n decide no end our relationship?
but i realli did loved u then...
did i lie?
or is it just tt sth unpredicted happened..
i didnt mean for such things to happen
i realli did love u... i loved u when i said it...
now... its just different...
i broke ur heart n i am guilty of tt..
but am i wrong to choose wad's best for me?
selfish i may be..
btw, tt's not wad's happening in my life....
just tot of this senario..
typically, pple will say tt they;re just not meant to be..
or may be she's not worth it.. he can find someone better..
but is anyone realli in position to blame her for breaking his heart or breaking her lifetime promise?
most of the time, couples decide to get married because they believe tt the other was their special one.. they look forward to a happy marriage on the day they walk down the aile.. but sometimes misfortune come knocking at their dooe and they just happen to find themselves struggling to keep the marriage alive. in the end, some divorced n ended their relationship bitterly.. was it anyone;s fault? did the 2 intended to break their promise on the day they said "i do"?
how sweet it wud be... how simple things can be..
if nth happens.. if couples cud just stay faithful to one another..
if couples cud just outlast n overcome every obstacle tt comes into their life..
isnt it all nice? isnt it a lil idealistic? am i pessimistic or practical enuff to leave 0.0001% for uncertainties in life... in life.. not relationship..
life's just so unpredictable.. instead of worrying wad will happen in future, y not treasure the present moment.. do wad u can to keep it as long as possible... stop worrying... stop asking... i will love u forever means i will love u forever NOW... i will love u FOR AS LONG AS I CAN, FOR AS LONG AS LIFE PERMITS ME TO.. FOR AS LONG AS FATE ALLOWS ME TO...
as convenient as it sounds... tt's how things are...
fate may be in ur hands.. i believe so too..
but some things happen for a reason..
a reason tt no one has found an answer to..
sometimes, no matter how hard u try, life just doesnt go ur way..
nth is constant in this present world.. the onli constant is change..
there's no forever in the real world..
we can onli treasure our present...
what does this phrase mean to u?
these simple 5 words convey sth so complicated and many a times undescribable, ur feelings to ur special one..
it means even more becoz of the last word, "forever"...
it is more than just a word...
it means commitment..
it makes it a promise...
a promise of a life time...
to me, it is all just empty words... until the day i die in peace with no regrets of meeting my man...
why do pple like to make such empty promises?
it is definitely not wrong... if u realli meant it when u say it..
does it mean tt i lied, if i said tt "i will be there for u forever" today, n i met someone better 10 years down the road n decide no end our relationship?
but i realli did loved u then...
did i lie?
or is it just tt sth unpredicted happened..
i didnt mean for such things to happen
i realli did love u... i loved u when i said it...
now... its just different...
i broke ur heart n i am guilty of tt..
but am i wrong to choose wad's best for me?
selfish i may be..
btw, tt's not wad's happening in my life....
just tot of this senario..
typically, pple will say tt they;re just not meant to be..
or may be she's not worth it.. he can find someone better..
but is anyone realli in position to blame her for breaking his heart or breaking her lifetime promise?
most of the time, couples decide to get married because they believe tt the other was their special one.. they look forward to a happy marriage on the day they walk down the aile.. but sometimes misfortune come knocking at their dooe and they just happen to find themselves struggling to keep the marriage alive. in the end, some divorced n ended their relationship bitterly.. was it anyone;s fault? did the 2 intended to break their promise on the day they said "i do"?
how sweet it wud be... how simple things can be..
if nth happens.. if couples cud just stay faithful to one another..
if couples cud just outlast n overcome every obstacle tt comes into their life..
isnt it all nice? isnt it a lil idealistic? am i pessimistic or practical enuff to leave 0.0001% for uncertainties in life... in life.. not relationship..
life's just so unpredictable.. instead of worrying wad will happen in future, y not treasure the present moment.. do wad u can to keep it as long as possible... stop worrying... stop asking... i will love u forever means i will love u forever NOW... i will love u FOR AS LONG AS I CAN, FOR AS LONG AS LIFE PERMITS ME TO.. FOR AS LONG AS FATE ALLOWS ME TO...
as convenient as it sounds... tt's how things are...
fate may be in ur hands.. i believe so too..
but some things happen for a reason..
a reason tt no one has found an answer to..
sometimes, no matter how hard u try, life just doesnt go ur way..
nth is constant in this present world.. the onli constant is change..
there's no forever in the real world..
we can onli treasure our present...
3 weeks into sem 4
wo.. didnt realised tt i havent been blogging for so long...
not tt sch;s realli tt busy...
perhaps lab havent started.. so we arent feeling it yet...
but wad worries me is that i cant realli remember what we have learnt so far...
after 3 weeks of sch...
it has been a real busy week...
been to 3 birthday celebration.. n gg for another tml..
it's meisiang's 21st.. haha.. miss tt gal..
n mum;s in hospital.. coming back this afternoon..
she;s realli strong..
on the 3rd day after her operation, she started walking already!
celebrated dear's bdae on wed.. i cooked!!!!
wahahaha.... he agreed to be my guinea pig.. until i master the culinary skills before we get married.. lol...
chicken escalopes was as usual..
think recipes sucks... never accurate..
oh onli my dessert worked... some banana.. cro..sth...
cant remember... it's nice.. shall make some for luna when we have gathering next time..
more guinea pigs!!! :P
i've got so much to do.. it's never ending...
tutorials arent taking much of my time.. i dunno y i am so busy...
n it's been raining all day...
every time i wanna go jog, it will rain.. sian..
i just read yufee's blog... his life seems so enriching and exciting..
so envious of him...
wad am i doing in uni?
slogging.. mugging... chasing other pple in the never ending rat race..
may be i shud pick up some courses in the next long holiday too..
ah driving comes first of coz.. shud go n reg at the driving sch soon to take the theory tests first so tt i can start having my lessons once exams end..
yufee organised a jc gathering on next sat...
feels kinda weird.. i have a test on 8th..
n... havent seen them for so long..
dunno wad to say when i meet them..
it's quite sad tt i havent been realli keeping in contact with anyone of them...
onli chat on msn with yufee sometimes...
a lil with eugene in year 1...
i see huishan ard the sch sometimes since she;s also in engine..
well tt's about all... quite sad isnt it?
chunchen they all.. ya lost contact...
wad wud we say to one another when we meet up?
there isnt much tt realli attracts me to the gathering..
the picture i paint in my head.. just aint tt nice...
wad wud i say when i see dy..
a foolish decision i made when i was childish n young, ruined our frenship...
it was never the same again after the incident..
perhaps tt's the greatest barrier tt i wud have to overcome before i can meet s44 again..
it's just not a very happy thing to meet up again..
it's not like meeting old frens... u noe... tt u miss each other n the good old dyas u had together.. n u finally can meet each other again?
tt's how i feel for my pri sch buddies.. not s44... it's weird..
it;s like my sec sch days.. when i am so busy with softball.. the only memories i took away were my softball days... loved it..
i drifted away from my pool kahkis after jc since they;re all guys who have to go for ns..
wad's there to look forward to if i decide to go for the gathering?
not tt sch;s realli tt busy...
perhaps lab havent started.. so we arent feeling it yet...
but wad worries me is that i cant realli remember what we have learnt so far...
after 3 weeks of sch...
it has been a real busy week...
been to 3 birthday celebration.. n gg for another tml..
it's meisiang's 21st.. haha.. miss tt gal..
n mum;s in hospital.. coming back this afternoon..
she;s realli strong..
on the 3rd day after her operation, she started walking already!
celebrated dear's bdae on wed.. i cooked!!!!
wahahaha.... he agreed to be my guinea pig.. until i master the culinary skills before we get married.. lol...
chicken escalopes was as usual..
think recipes sucks... never accurate..
oh onli my dessert worked... some banana.. cro..sth...
cant remember... it's nice.. shall make some for luna when we have gathering next time..
more guinea pigs!!! :P
i've got so much to do.. it's never ending...
tutorials arent taking much of my time.. i dunno y i am so busy...
n it's been raining all day...
every time i wanna go jog, it will rain.. sian..
i just read yufee's blog... his life seems so enriching and exciting..
so envious of him...
wad am i doing in uni?
slogging.. mugging... chasing other pple in the never ending rat race..
may be i shud pick up some courses in the next long holiday too..
ah driving comes first of coz.. shud go n reg at the driving sch soon to take the theory tests first so tt i can start having my lessons once exams end..
yufee organised a jc gathering on next sat...
feels kinda weird.. i have a test on 8th..
n... havent seen them for so long..
dunno wad to say when i meet them..
it's quite sad tt i havent been realli keeping in contact with anyone of them...
onli chat on msn with yufee sometimes...
a lil with eugene in year 1...
i see huishan ard the sch sometimes since she;s also in engine..
well tt's about all... quite sad isnt it?
chunchen they all.. ya lost contact...
wad wud we say to one another when we meet up?
there isnt much tt realli attracts me to the gathering..
the picture i paint in my head.. just aint tt nice...
wad wud i say when i see dy..
a foolish decision i made when i was childish n young, ruined our frenship...
it was never the same again after the incident..
perhaps tt's the greatest barrier tt i wud have to overcome before i can meet s44 again..
it's just not a very happy thing to meet up again..
it's not like meeting old frens... u noe... tt u miss each other n the good old dyas u had together.. n u finally can meet each other again?
tt's how i feel for my pri sch buddies.. not s44... it's weird..
it;s like my sec sch days.. when i am so busy with softball.. the only memories i took away were my softball days... loved it..
i drifted away from my pool kahkis after jc since they;re all guys who have to go for ns..
wad's there to look forward to if i decide to go for the gathering?
Saturday, January 06, 2007
My Japan Trip 5
here's my last post on Japan.. then i can dump tt note book i brought along already... gosh... sooo long~!!!
Day 7 - Osaka - Last night in Japan
Wwe visited Osaka City University early in the morning with Keiko Aunty. She brought us to her working lab where Mom took a few pictures of Aunty Keiko's working environment. Here's one:

We also visited the library for medical students and also the hospital beside it.

After that, we went to Osaka Castle. It was surrounded with tall walls made of huge stones. The place was evry quiet unlike the castles that we've visted in China. It was great to have a chance to climb all the way up to the top of the main tower where we could have a good view of the surrondings. It is indeed a beautiful and peaceful place. We also got to learn more about the history of the king who built this castle in the museum at the 2 lower levels of the tower.

Then we also visited this long shopping street like the Ochard Road of Singapore. This place is called Harajuku. Harajuku is lined with shops selling the most trendy clothes in Japan. There, we could easily see the difference between the Japanese and Singaporean fashion sense. Their dressing were much more exaggerating and daring.

O ya.. I noticed that men are still more superior than women in Japan. There was this couple that caught my eye in the train. The guy was sitting down instead of his girlfriend. And the gal was realli sweet to offer to hold all the shopping bags while standing up so that her bf could take a nap comfortably. I guess I prefer to stay in Singapore. I dun like MCPs!!!
We came back to Tennoji for dinner at Keiko Aunty's house. Mom bought a lot of ingredients to cook from the supermart nearby. Yes!!! It was Singaporean style! Laksa, black pepper chicken, Curry and vegetables... Mum was complaining about the chicken she bought the entire night. Lol.. it cost us S$30.. about 6 times the price of one in Singapore... Keiko Aunty told us that it is probably a local breed from the moutains.. no wonder the meat was so tender...
After dinner, Keiko Aunty took us to an island where there were special xmas decor.. The entire event was called Osaka Hikari-Renaissance 2006. The trees were lighted with xmas lights that danced with the xams songs blasting from the big speakers around the place.. Though it wasn't as spectacular as what we have in Singapore, I must admit that it was still beautiful and romantic. I could have melted if I was with the right person.. Well and of coz.. I realized how much I missed my dear.. It was kinda tough for me to hold back those tears when there were so many couples cuddling together around me.. Realli hope that I'll be able to visit Orchard Road on xmas eve when I am back in Singapore with dear.. It'll be all that I need this holiday..
Then we headed to the bazaar across the highway where there were more xmas light displays and artistic structures put up my the local art students. Some of the structures were made of recycled materials like pastic bottles. It reminded me of rag in NUS. lol.. The place was charming but somehow it wasn;t all tt pleasant.. I felt very lonely walking past the busy lights. Wasn't in the mood to take any pictures.. this is my onli 1:

It was a great holiday.. just that something is missing...
Day 7 - Osaka - Last night in Japan
Wwe visited Osaka City University early in the morning with Keiko Aunty. She brought us to her working lab where Mom took a few pictures of Aunty Keiko's working environment. Here's one:

We also visited the library for medical students and also the hospital beside it.

After that, we went to Osaka Castle. It was surrounded with tall walls made of huge stones. The place was evry quiet unlike the castles that we've visted in China. It was great to have a chance to climb all the way up to the top of the main tower where we could have a good view of the surrondings. It is indeed a beautiful and peaceful place. We also got to learn more about the history of the king who built this castle in the museum at the 2 lower levels of the tower.

O ya.. I noticed that men are still more superior than women in Japan. There was this couple that caught my eye in the train. The guy was sitting down instead of his girlfriend. And the gal was realli sweet to offer to hold all the shopping bags while standing up so that her bf could take a nap comfortably. I guess I prefer to stay in Singapore. I dun like MCPs!!!
We came back to Tennoji for dinner at Keiko Aunty's house. Mom bought a lot of ingredients to cook from the supermart nearby. Yes!!! It was Singaporean style! Laksa, black pepper chicken, Curry and vegetables... Mum was complaining about the chicken she bought the entire night. Lol.. it cost us S$30.. about 6 times the price of one in Singapore... Keiko Aunty told us that it is probably a local breed from the moutains.. no wonder the meat was so tender...
After dinner, Keiko Aunty took us to an island where there were special xmas decor.. The entire event was called Osaka Hikari-Renaissance 2006. The trees were lighted with xmas lights that danced with the xams songs blasting from the big speakers around the place.. Though it wasn't as spectacular as what we have in Singapore, I must admit that it was still beautiful and romantic. I could have melted if I was with the right person.. Well and of coz.. I realized how much I missed my dear.. It was kinda tough for me to hold back those tears when there were so many couples cuddling together around me.. Realli hope that I'll be able to visit Orchard Road on xmas eve when I am back in Singapore with dear.. It'll be all that I need this holiday..
Then we headed to the bazaar across the highway where there were more xmas light displays and artistic structures put up my the local art students. Some of the structures were made of recycled materials like pastic bottles. It reminded me of rag in NUS. lol.. The place was charming but somehow it wasn;t all tt pleasant.. I felt very lonely walking past the busy lights. Wasn't in the mood to take any pictures.. this is my onli 1:

It was a great holiday.. just that something is missing...
My Japan Trip 4
Day 5 - Mt Fuji
We woke up at 6.30am this morning and headed for Mt Fuji after breakfast by JR line. Our journey there was a little rough since some of us havent had a good slenight sleep and were hence moody. It got a little frustrating when Mom was insisting her way and not listening to the rest. It's been ongoing since day 1..
Upon reaching Hawagouchiko station, we had lunch in one of the nearby restaurants. I had Tempura Udon. It costs about 750 yen which is about S$10.50. Quite expensive for some udon, a prawn and a green pepper. But it is the chepaest meal I had so far in Japan.

Then, we took a retro bus to our hotel. It's quite a neat place and I was realli surprised to find that we would be spending the night in a Japanese style hotel room. This is how it looks like.
It is furnished with tatami and wooden floor, Japanese beds and a little tea table. It was the biggest room we've stayed in Japan so far. O ya, the furniture and all inspired my fmaily to make a short clip of "the ring" in the hotel room in the evening when we didnt have anything to do. Haha.. unfortuntely, I cant put it up here..
It was about 2.30pm by the time we settled down. Since the sky turns dark much ealier in winter and the bus service stops at about 6pm, we decided to go to Doggy Park, one of the top attractions in our list. Unfortunately, Doggy Park is out of the bus route. So we had to take a taxi up to the place. It took us only about 15min but the taxi fare was veyr expensive. The ride costs us 1730 yen which is more than 20 bucks sing. Our day became even more disappointing when we found out that it would be closing in an hour's time. Thank god the kind uncle at the ticket booth only charged us for half the entrance fee. Still, I feel that it wasnt worth our money. There wasnt much to see. It's probably an ideal place for the locals to bring their pet to since there were many play grounds for the dogs. The dog show has ended and the staff were starting to clear up some of the places. Well, we could only tried to make the best of what we have. I was quite happy that we got to the "communication square" before closing to play around with some very friendly dogs. Even mom had a great time.

The most whiny dog around with me

see how guai they are?

may be Mom wont mind me getting another dog :P

my new found 2nd best to Maltese - Schnauzer
We took the first bus of the day to another river in the west . The view of Mt Fuji is much better there. I managed to take a couple of close up pics of the mountain. Our schedule was tight since we have to check out of our hotel room by 11pm.

We visited a few attractions along our way. First was a garden and some sort building called the lifestyle building or something like tt. Unfortuntately, it was winter and the garden wasnt at it's best appearance. I'm sure the place will be a lot more beautiful in spring.

Next, it;s my fav spot of the day - The Lava Cave. Yes volcano lava! We were told that the temperature in the cave was 0 degree celsius and there is a natural fridge and storage place deep in the cave. Icicles lined along the walls of the cave as we explore deeper. It was realli dark and my brother almost knocked on the stone ceilings of the cave many times because he was too tall. Ha...

We then explored into a forest where the pathways and surroundings were covered with dried lava.

Lastly, we visted the perfume and herb centres where they grew many strong smelling plants in a glass house and dried plants upside down on the ceiling to retain their natural shape.
Overall, it was a pleasant experience to visit Mt Fuji where we got in touch with many sides of nature. I guess I prefer the beautiful scenery of nature in Japan to the bustling city in Tokyo.
The later half of the day was mpostly spent on trains and railway stations. It was a longjourney back to Osaka. We took Sinkansen, the fmaous bullet train where we had to change twice to local trains before we meet Keiko Aunty again. On the train, there was this Japanese school girl with blond rebonded dolly hair. I thought it was rather inviting for the men around. She was ignorant of her surroundings and was sitting with her legs wide apart. Dun blame me for comparing her to the Japanese pron stars. Coz the way she was sitting with her hand between those open legs of hers, she realli look like a Japanese porn star in action. I am not exactly comfortable with this "culture" in Japan. Young school girls with heavy make up in their uniform. Ridiculously short skirts in the cold winter. What are their parents busy with?
By the time we reached Osaka, it was 9pm. We were very sorry that Keiko Aunty and her husband had to wait an hour for us. Wwe had dinner in one of the subway sushi restaurant but was disappointed with the variety and quality. Well I guess they were closing.. wad can we expect.. Noticing that Dad havent had much, the generous couple took us to a bbq resturant 10min away from their place where he got to try cow's tongue and stomach for the very first time. Ew.... :P
Here's some pic that I have taken in Osaka:
We woke up at 6.30am this morning and headed for Mt Fuji after breakfast by JR line. Our journey there was a little rough since some of us havent had a good slenight sleep and were hence moody. It got a little frustrating when Mom was insisting her way and not listening to the rest. It's been ongoing since day 1..
Upon reaching Hawagouchiko station, we had lunch in one of the nearby restaurants. I had Tempura Udon. It costs about 750 yen which is about S$10.50. Quite expensive for some udon, a prawn and a green pepper. But it is the chepaest meal I had so far in Japan.

Then, we took a retro bus to our hotel. It's quite a neat place and I was realli surprised to find that we would be spending the night in a Japanese style hotel room. This is how it looks like.
It is furnished with tatami and wooden floor, Japanese beds and a little tea table. It was the biggest room we've stayed in Japan so far. O ya, the furniture and all inspired my fmaily to make a short clip of "the ring" in the hotel room in the evening when we didnt have anything to do. Haha.. unfortuntely, I cant put it up here..
It was about 2.30pm by the time we settled down. Since the sky turns dark much ealier in winter and the bus service stops at about 6pm, we decided to go to Doggy Park, one of the top attractions in our list. Unfortunately, Doggy Park is out of the bus route. So we had to take a taxi up to the place. It took us only about 15min but the taxi fare was veyr expensive. The ride costs us 1730 yen which is more than 20 bucks sing. Our day became even more disappointing when we found out that it would be closing in an hour's time. Thank god the kind uncle at the ticket booth only charged us for half the entrance fee. Still, I feel that it wasnt worth our money. There wasnt much to see. It's probably an ideal place for the locals to bring their pet to since there were many play grounds for the dogs. The dog show has ended and the staff were starting to clear up some of the places. Well, we could only tried to make the best of what we have. I was quite happy that we got to the "communication square" before closing to play around with some very friendly dogs. Even mom had a great time.

The model-wannabe in Doggy Park

The dog's enjoying Stessen's great back scratching skills

The most whiny dog around with me

see how guai they are?

may be Mom wont mind me getting another dog :P

my new found 2nd best to Maltese - Schnauzer

I saw many Huskys, St Bernard, Boxton Terrier and other rare breeds that I am not sure of their names. I bet I'll be able to play with many other dogs if we came at the right time. I must visit the place again if I go to Japan again next time.
We settled our dinner in our hotel room. Cooked maggie mee and canned food.. coz it is very expensive to eat around that area and the hotel restaurant was closed.. Poor us..
O ya I forgot to comment about Mt Fuji.. I think it;s a magnificent product of nature. It is certainly magnificent. It almost looked unreal.. Like a printed wall paper placed behind the trees and houses.. And sometimes you'll get to see clouds around the moutain. It seemed like Mt Fuji was floating in the sky. I should take more picture of it tomorrow if I have a chance.

Day 6 - Mt Fuji to Osaka
We settled our dinner in our hotel room. Cooked maggie mee and canned food.. coz it is very expensive to eat around that area and the hotel restaurant was closed.. Poor us..
O ya I forgot to comment about Mt Fuji.. I think it;s a magnificent product of nature. It is certainly magnificent. It almost looked unreal.. Like a printed wall paper placed behind the trees and houses.. And sometimes you'll get to see clouds around the moutain. It seemed like Mt Fuji was floating in the sky. I should take more picture of it tomorrow if I have a chance.

Day 6 - Mt Fuji to Osaka

We visited a few attractions along our way. First was a garden and some sort building called the lifestyle building or something like tt. Unfortuntately, it was winter and the garden wasnt at it's best appearance. I'm sure the place will be a lot more beautiful in spring.

Next, it;s my fav spot of the day - The Lava Cave. Yes volcano lava! We were told that the temperature in the cave was 0 degree celsius and there is a natural fridge and storage place deep in the cave. Icicles lined along the walls of the cave as we explore deeper. It was realli dark and my brother almost knocked on the stone ceilings of the cave many times because he was too tall. Ha...

We then explored into a forest where the pathways and surroundings were covered with dried lava.

Lastly, we visted the perfume and herb centres where they grew many strong smelling plants in a glass house and dried plants upside down on the ceiling to retain their natural shape.
Overall, it was a pleasant experience to visit Mt Fuji where we got in touch with many sides of nature. I guess I prefer the beautiful scenery of nature in Japan to the bustling city in Tokyo.
The later half of the day was mpostly spent on trains and railway stations. It was a longjourney back to Osaka. We took Sinkansen, the fmaous bullet train where we had to change twice to local trains before we meet Keiko Aunty again. On the train, there was this Japanese school girl with blond rebonded dolly hair. I thought it was rather inviting for the men around. She was ignorant of her surroundings and was sitting with her legs wide apart. Dun blame me for comparing her to the Japanese pron stars. Coz the way she was sitting with her hand between those open legs of hers, she realli look like a Japanese porn star in action. I am not exactly comfortable with this "culture" in Japan. Young school girls with heavy make up in their uniform. Ridiculously short skirts in the cold winter. What are their parents busy with?
By the time we reached Osaka, it was 9pm. We were very sorry that Keiko Aunty and her husband had to wait an hour for us. Wwe had dinner in one of the subway sushi restaurant but was disappointed with the variety and quality. Well I guess they were closing.. wad can we expect.. Noticing that Dad havent had much, the generous couple took us to a bbq resturant 10min away from their place where he got to try cow's tongue and stomach for the very first time. Ew.... :P
Here's some pic that I have taken in Osaka:
My Japan Trip 3
This is becomign a drag.. I didnt realise that I have written so much... well for memories...
Day 4 - Asakusa
Asakusa is an old town of Tokyo which is very popular among the tourists since it is said to be the best place for them to buy souvenirs.
On our way to Chitsan Hotel, we passed by the famous Japanese toy company Bandai building. Statues of the popular cartoon characters lined beside the building. How can we not take photos with the cute statues...

After unloading our luggages, we headed to the famous Sensoji temple. Along our way, we passed by a few shopping streets where anmany souvenirs and local delicacies were sold. Dad was intending to settle his lunch there. Lol... The busy streets were beautifully decorated with man made cherry blossoms. It kinda reminded my of Chinatown in singapore during our Chinese New Year. We were greeted by a huge paper latern in front of the gate of Senjosi temple. The temple was crowded with devotees praying for well being.

the beautiful shopping street

Freshly made Japanese rice biscuits~!!!

the biggest lantern I have ever seen
in the park around Senjosi temple
After that, we went to search for the museum that displayed traditional Japanese craftwork like lanterns, wooden decor and shelves. It was quite an interesting place even though we couldnt learn much since everything was in Japanese. Haha.. it was also a great place for us to rest our poor feets after walking so much.
We headed for the famous Asahi beer brewing building after that. It is one of the most unique buildings in Asakusa though the locals here don;t quite like it.I have to agree because the yellow structure on the top of building kinda resemble feaces.. wahaha.. Well it is suppose to resemble a beer mug. Not very nice I guess..

By chance, we came across a Tokyo Cruise Centre where we took a ship ride around the coastal areas and had a chance to see another side of Tokyo. The ride was unbearably slow and boring as it progresses. But dad loved it. He was busy taking pictures of the 13 bridges we went past. Every one of them have a distinct structure and colour. Well my dad's an engineering inspector.. wad can I say.. Here's one of the bridges:

Day 4 - Asakusa
Asakusa is an old town of Tokyo which is very popular among the tourists since it is said to be the best place for them to buy souvenirs.

After unloading our luggages, we headed to the famous Sensoji temple. Along our way, we passed by a few shopping streets where anmany souvenirs and local delicacies were sold. Dad was intending to settle his lunch there. Lol... The busy streets were beautifully decorated with man made cherry blossoms. It kinda reminded my of Chinatown in singapore during our Chinese New Year. We were greeted by a huge paper latern in front of the gate of Senjosi temple. The temple was crowded with devotees praying for well being.

at the gate before Senjosi Temple

the beautiful shopping street

Freshly made Japanese rice biscuits~!!!

the biggest lantern I have ever seen

After that, we went to search for the museum that displayed traditional Japanese craftwork like lanterns, wooden decor and shelves. It was quite an interesting place even though we couldnt learn much since everything was in Japanese. Haha.. it was also a great place for us to rest our poor feets after walking so much.
We headed for the famous Asahi beer brewing building after that. It is one of the most unique buildings in Asakusa though the locals here don;t quite like it.I have to agree because the yellow structure on the top of building kinda resemble feaces.. wahaha.. Well it is suppose to resemble a beer mug. Not very nice I guess..

By chance, we came across a Tokyo Cruise Centre where we took a ship ride around the coastal areas and had a chance to see another side of Tokyo. The ride was unbearably slow and boring as it progresses. But dad loved it. He was busy taking pictures of the 13 bridges we went past. Every one of them have a distinct structure and colour. Well my dad's an engineering inspector.. wad can I say.. Here's one of the bridges:

the unique ship that we passed by. It's so much flatter than the ship we're taking
We alighted 3 railway stations away and it was time to explore Tokyo again. The blind leading the blind. With absolutely no clues of where we were, we searched for the closet JR station with the help of local maps on the streets. That's what I call adventure. Ha..
We stopped by 3 stations - Uneno, Akabashi and Okayamishi (I am not sure if I spelled them correctly.. pardon my memory)
Uneno was my favourite place in Tokyo. It was crowded with shopping streets which resembled Bugis street of Singapore. There were also shops selling fish and frozen seafood. I was very much satisified by the Oishi famous local street delicacy that I found there. It's like a pancake with vegetable, egg yolk that oozes out when you bite on it that complements the Japanese sauce and Mayo added on top. Ahhh it was just simply heavely! Well it was kinda late when dad wanted to take a picture of me eating.. wahaha.. it was all gone!

We stopped by 3 stations - Uneno, Akabashi and Okayamishi (I am not sure if I spelled them correctly.. pardon my memory)
Uneno was my favourite place in Tokyo. It was crowded with shopping streets which resembled Bugis street of Singapore. There were also shops selling fish and frozen seafood. I was very much satisified by the Oishi famous local street delicacy that I found there. It's like a pancake with vegetable, egg yolk that oozes out when you bite on it that complements the Japanese sauce and Mayo added on top. Ahhh it was just simply heavely! Well it was kinda late when dad wanted to take a picture of me eating.. wahaha.. it was all gone!

Dad outside a restuarant that sells bbq food
It was a fulfilling and exciting day~! Now it's time for me to rest my feets in the hot bath tub...
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