Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Excited! Wee!

It's 5 days to my long waited Europe Trip..
somehow I got thru a long 1.5 mth while all my frens are flying off to enjoy their grad trip..
now it's finally my turn!!!

I wonder how a conference is like..
I m gg to present my FYP with all the researchers!
how cool eh...
ahaha a lil nervous.. just sent my poster for printing on fabric so tt i can keep it in my luggage...
wonder if anyone will come ask me questions.. hahaha


still counting down...

btw, i am officially broke n trying not to spend anymore..
just gotta resist till i fly off to Europe...
credit card bill came.. n i was shocked!!!
GSS caught me!!! got a big hole in my pocket now~! :(

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