Friday, June 12, 2009

Girls Outing Day!

Yesterday I met up with Cheryl and Daphne..
Finally! No sch, no work!
As usual food, followed by shopping..
but it was a lil intimidating walking into the branded shops with them at Taka and Paragon..
never realli tot tt i wud enter these shops so soon.. lol...
n the best thing is my shoe tore.. so there was this hole in front of my right shoe for my big toe to peek-a-boo :P
kinda paiseh..
n we took neo-print!!! ahahaha like how old already!
cheryl treated and insisted..
neoprints are in pics column~!

time passes by realli fast.. it seems tt marriage has become a common topic nowadays...
daph was right...
in sec sch, we started counting down like "10y later we'll get married"
then was 8 years.. 6 years...
n now... 4?
getting married at 27 seems ok... but the tot of getting tied down n having more responsibilities in 3 years seems scary... wud i be ready? i still feel like a kid.. haha...

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