Tuesday, June 13, 2006

dull & boring...

ha.. i didnt realise tt i havent blog for sooo long...
i m working in biopolis now.. while taking special sem..
busy gal i am..
but it's realli boring... as in work wise..
i've been working since 1st june and i havent got my personal computer.
how am i suppose to do data entry w/o one????
so.. i've been hopping ard.. using pple's comp when they r away..
n i have onli completed 1 batch so far...
sigh... well according to wad i learn from labour law, employers have no obligations to provide work for employees. Even though I am not sure if I am an employee since I havent recieved my appointment letter until now, i guess i shoudnt be companing when they arent giving me anything to do... haha..
they are tt ineffective...
n i dun think they realli give a damn on wad i am doing...
i basically slack, online, and enjoy life...
been doing saigang... so monotonous.. tt i actually fell asleep just now..
thank god boss wasnt ard...
i have been looking through950 survey forms to find photocopied forms..
and i've onli found 2 so far~!!!!
another interesting thing about this workplace..
they dun mind their employees chatting on msn during working hours..
u noe y? coz the supervisors (bosses) themselves, are guilty of it too..
ha... wad nonsense...
is this wad u call working life?

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