Thursday, June 22, 2006

no where to go..

i decided not to continue my last post.. it's kinda dumb..
and i cant remember wad i wanted to write...

i've finally finished the 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle for my dad..
happy belated father's day..
haha.. we're supposed to have completed it on the very day until half of it fell out when we flip the puzzle to glue it on the back of the frame...
sigh.. a test of patience it is...
it's quite addictive actually..
i find myself being able to fix it for 5 straight hours...
now tt it's done, i can get back to my preparations for fwc...

havent been realli happy lately..
getting gross out by my chubby face and fats whenever i look at the mirror...
n things arent gg too well in my life..
i dun quite understand y pple like to quarrel when u already have so lil time to interact..
it's draining...
it's so tiring getting panaroid and picking on every lil things in life..
i wonder y pple like to indulge in so..
n when u choose to indulge, u start to let ur mind wonder...
wonder into the darkest side of man..
even white snow turns to charcoal....
den u get so unhappy with these lil things..
u bring the darkness to the pple ard u...

issit necessary?
was it wrong to be honest?
perhaps it's better to tell a lil white lie when necessary...
wad was the key topic of the conversation?
y choose to eye these insignificant words?

sliding down the rainbow..
i onli see the ground...

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