Thursday, July 20, 2006

The eND of MY 1ST yEAR uNI

fwc has finally ended....

we have all been busy since last year...
working our ass out for our dear juniors..
starting almost from scratch...
meeting so many obstacles n cockups..
finally.. it has ended successfully..

ha... though i didnt get to interact much with the freshies because I was so involved in the programs n helping my frens with their stuff..., but i still enjoyed myself..
iam so glad..
so proud of the fwc organising committee...
we were all busy with our own duties in the different comms..
it felt like we were rather scattered before fwc..
but our bonding showed during fwc..
it;s so easy to get help from everyone...
ah... perhaps it's because this comm are made up of mostly pple who has the passion, who wishes to make this happen... n create great memories for them...
yeah~!!! hip hip hurray~!!!

the end of fwc marks the end of my 1st year in uni..
it has been a great year even though I havent cried as much as I had before ever in my life this year...
I am leaving behind my past and only holding onto the good memories with my friends, family and my dear..
06/07 shall be a great year i promise myself..
dun let anyone hold you back..
dun let yourself down again...
my caps will climb up high~!!

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