Friday, February 09, 2007

5 days to Vday~!!!

ah! part tech test is finally over...
though it didnt go as well as i hoped it wud be, it's still a burden off my shoulder...
kinetics kinda drive me to nuts..
i kinda like it.. coz it's more of thinking questions..
but.. i think there are too many concepts n equations for me now..
still quite lost... gotta read up the text book again..
life as a uni student isnt very exciting actually..
i've got never ending webcasts to cast and pilling up tutorials to do..
i;ve just got so much to do everyday...
relali wonder how much different life wud be if i am studying overseas right now..
siang say tt it's a lot more slower in sydney..
ah i wish i wish i wish..
just wish tt i can slack one full day every week w/o feeling guilty the next day...
the books will never go away.. the tutorials will still be there whether u like or or not...
it's ironical to realise tt one of the most pleasant thing i cherish this sem so far are my so called "free days" when i get to sleep a few more hours.. even though i still have webcasts to watch, it's still a lot better compared to the normal sch days..

i msg him just 2 days ago to say thank you and bye...
feels great to be able to let go of everything.. even the hatred...
though i have left my feelings on the day i was melted by my dear, the same questions still linger ard my head n occasionally they will surface and i start wondering how it cud ended tt horribly...
it has past so long ago.. n i have finally been able to kick away the hatred too...
i feel lighter.. and may be i can see love in a much simpler way from now on again...
time will heal all wounds.. tt's right..
but some bonds can never be forged or fixed back again...
let bygones be bygones..

i am a much happier person right now...
cherished and loved by someone special...
i hope i will also be able to give my everything without any holding back like u one day..
thanks for being there my dear...
looking forward to 14th feb...

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