Thursday, March 30, 2006

SiCk & tIrEd OF UnI lIfE...

it's been 11 days since i last posted..
been so busy trying to catch up with work after the last 2 mid term papers..
n final exams are in less than a mth's time..
everyone's busy mugging...
no time for fun..
no time for bonding..
no time for nth...
if onli we have 48 h a day..
2 brains, 4 hands and teleport technology..
so we have more time to complete our daily tasks..
so that we can think faster, work faster..
n i wouldnt have to travel an hour to sch n take another hour to return..
a typical engineer's sch day is dreadfully long..
it's such a pain to travel so far..
i still wish to stay in hall sometimes..
at least i could save an hour for extra sleep n hence extra time for work..
ya but then again, hall commitments come along...
selfish i am.. i dun give a damn..
one year is the max i would stay if i were gg to...
my maths is lagging like crazy..
prog pract is coming soon...
so many tutorials to complete every week..
cant seem to find time to mug for final paper..
freakin stressed up...
my caps was washed into the drain becoz of some unfortunate events and complications..
they dun look like they're gonna climb any higher this sem..
considering the condition i;m in right now...
sigh... a high price i have to pay for all the wrong paths i've taken last sem..
to lose a first class degree..
i failed to reach my goal right from the beginning..
how encouraging..


Anonymous said...

There's a reason why our eyes are put before us and not the back. There's also a reason why we walk frontwards n not walk backwards.

Likewise, look ahead & don't dwell on past failures. Move on and look forward to better things that awaits us in future.

Anonymous said...

That's rite.
Move on and create a brighter future.