Saturday, January 27, 2007

wad is forever?

"i will love you forever" tt's the phrase tt melts not only women, but many other men..
what does this phrase mean to u?
these simple 5 words convey sth so complicated and many a times undescribable, ur feelings to ur special one..
it means even more becoz of the last word, "forever"...
it is more than just a word...
it means commitment..
it makes it a promise...
a promise of a life time...

to me, it is all just empty words... until the day i die in peace with no regrets of meeting my man...
why do pple like to make such empty promises?
it is definitely not wrong... if u realli meant it when u say it..
does it mean tt i lied, if i said tt "i will be there for u forever" today, n i met someone better 10 years down the road n decide no end our relationship?
but i realli did loved u then...
did i lie?
or is it just tt sth unpredicted happened..
i didnt mean for such things to happen
i realli did love u... i loved u when i said it...
now... its just different...
i broke ur heart n i am guilty of tt..
but am i wrong to choose wad's best for me?
selfish i may be..

btw, tt's not wad's happening in my life....
just tot of this senario..
typically, pple will say tt they;re just not meant to be..
or may be she's not worth it.. he can find someone better..
but is anyone realli in position to blame her for breaking his heart or breaking her lifetime promise?

most of the time, couples decide to get married because they believe tt the other was their special one.. they look forward to a happy marriage on the day they walk down the aile.. but sometimes misfortune come knocking at their dooe and they just happen to find themselves struggling to keep the marriage alive. in the end, some divorced n ended their relationship bitterly.. was it anyone;s fault? did the 2 intended to break their promise on the day they said "i do"?

how sweet it wud be... how simple things can be..
if nth happens.. if couples cud just stay faithful to one another..
if couples cud just outlast n overcome every obstacle tt comes into their life..
isnt it all nice? isnt it a lil idealistic? am i pessimistic or practical enuff to leave 0.0001% for uncertainties in life... in life.. not relationship..

life's just so unpredictable.. instead of worrying wad will happen in future, y not treasure the present moment.. do wad u can to keep it as long as possible... stop worrying... stop asking... i will love u forever means i will love u forever NOW... i will love u FOR AS LONG AS I CAN, FOR AS LONG AS LIFE PERMITS ME TO.. FOR AS LONG AS FATE ALLOWS ME TO...

as convenient as it sounds... tt's how things are...
fate may be in ur hands.. i believe so too..
but some things happen for a reason..
a reason tt no one has found an answer to..
sometimes, no matter how hard u try, life just doesnt go ur way..
nth is constant in this present world.. the onli constant is change..
there's no forever in the real world..
we can onli treasure our present...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Think like urself, most pple know that some things happen for a reason.. or rather, maybe all things.. but 'a reason tt no one has found an answer to'?

Things r not meant to go our way all the time in life, if it does, we would juz stay the way we are or want to, all the time. Imagine our parents din discipline us when we're young, or circumstances din hit us to bring change.. would we be the way we are now?

Finding the reason for why things are happening to us, what circumstances/people are showing us about ourselves, i believe that is the key ba. This process of self-discovery and making sense of what we go thru.. try it, it's how we grow. =)