Tuesday, March 06, 2007

end of hell week... yippee~!!

hai... last week was wad all chem engineers called hell week..
we had 3 mid term tests and 3 assignments to hand in..
and the most disturbing thing is tt most of them were due on the same day we have our tests..
cny was totally ruined...
coinciding with the first 2 days of our study break, we had 2 lesser holiday days..
crap.. who could realli enjoy cny with 3 mtt n 3 assignments behind our head?
well, i still tried to enjoy it to the fullest...
not touching any webcasts or tutorials for the first 3 days.. hehehe...
but the rest of the week was hell... all the way till last sat...
we're up against real competition... prob worse than our senior batch...
some spoilers bring homework to parties..
yes.. it's tt bad...
i'm quite satisfied with my prep for most of the 3 tests..
pdc n hmt was easy... but i made careless mistakes.. darn..
quite costly i believe.. when the test is easy...
n i realised tt when chem engineers say "quite ok", they mean "i can get full marks" not a B+ onli..
o gosh... feel tt my efforts a lil wasted.. but sometimes such things happen.. cock ups.. well it always happen to me.. careless me...
my prep for kinetics was the worst... realli felt like i didnt noe much..
surprisingly, the test was not too bad.. prop got a few wrong..
but it didnt feel as bad as last year's mtt tt i attempted..
whu noes.. it might be my best paper so far...

sat was great... went to shop for yimin's present...
went to watch movie with dear.. n we went buffet cum kbox!!
hehehe... we havent met for 1 whole week!!!
everything was great!

sunday, we cleberated yimin;s bdae...
she was very busy the entire day..
getting very kanchiong like those aunties...
dunno wad to wear... n scamppering ard the entire day.. muahaha..
she brought her entire closet to chalet..
i helped her a lil with the food..
think it was not bad.. weijin they all said the beehoon is nice..
haha... learnt quite a bit on the dos n donts in such parties...
will be useful when i have my own in aug...
n pple.. it'll most prob be on 11th or 12th aug.. most prob 11th..
venue prob aranda country club (pasir ris) or orchid country club (yishun)...
aranda is 250 per night, with 2 rooms.. most of u shud have seen it.. coz i organise all my chalets there... it has bbq pit outside n we gotta order our own food..
occ is more ulu but there's a shuttle bus from 2 mrts i think.. about 110 per night inclusive of 2 breakfast n bbq dinner for 4, can add on if required. in fact, the have pple to help u bbq.. the value added thing is tt they have paint ball if we wanna play... haha... but the room is onli half of aranda..
if u get to read this, let me noe where u prefer..

1 comment:

Bebe said...

hahaha.. u might have looked at the same one tt i was choosing between the one i got for u..