Friday, March 09, 2007

study smart since u r not smart

this sem's mid term seems to prove sth...
i am not as smart as my peers...
so i shud study smarter now.. n not just merely mug hard..
thank god raj was lenient.. still got a A, along with at least 1/3 of the cohort for PDC..
kinetics was rather surprising..
haha loren seemed more excited than i am... "u got 9/10!" he shouted when i came into the lab..
i dunno if it's gd.. coz i still feel like i dunno much..
still glad tt i did the paper myself..
sense of achievement i gues..
let's hope my careless mistake wasnt too costly in hmt now..

anyway i checked out with OCC and Aranda..
sigh.. freakin ex!!
$25 per pax for a decent dinner.. it's madness!!
now i am considering, safra, aloha loyang and aranda...
i wan to have a chalet beside the pool if possible..
aranda isnt.. but it's a big place, fully air conditioned..
safra's big too.. but very ulu.. pple will have to take shuttle bus in n out..
not very convenient for pple who dun wanna stay over...
aloha's probably the one tt fits all my criteria best..
but yimin already had hers there.. wud it be boring to have it there again?
n it's not fully air conditioned.. so i dunno...
how how???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not boring la. we'll TRY to help ya hype up the atmosphere lol. but oh ya aloha can only use 25 aircon units(dunno how they count la) which means like 7 hours.. and dun exceed heard v ex. and dun lose their stuff(i lost b4 towels ex nia) yeap. cfm with me again when ya aunt help ya book yup=)
~ym(cant rmb my password!!)