Friday, July 15, 2005

i LoVe FwC~!

yup yup... i was back from my 4 days camp yesterday afternoon actually.. wa so shag tt i went to sleep right after reaching home... have been pretty busy since yesterday.. now tt almost everyone's offline, i finally found the time to blog about my fantastic 4 days.. it realli spiced up things coz my holiday has been pretty routine like.. and i like making new frens... my og mates r realli nice pple..

okie.. 1st day:
we were all blur and new to the cold dull building of engin fac.. met hong bee at one of the lifts... so coincident.. as we walked to LT6 where we were supposed to meet up, we chatted and found out that we were both from LUNA.. yes LUNA... tt's my og name.. the moon... the power of moon~! it's a pleasant surprise... had this feeling tt camp will be realli fun and exciting.. we were probably quite early.. all the seniors were like staring at us when we reach LT6.. haha.. and surprisingly, some of them whom i've met in engin open house remembered me.. haha.. was it becoz i look like a malay? we got our goodie bags and went in to meet our dear OGLs...
Steven made an impression.. he was realli frenly... introducing everyone to us.. and i didnt realise kelvin and alvin were OGLs until the seniors told us becoz they looked young and quite small for the age.. oopz sorry... i was sitting beside weijin... it;s not quite my habit to start a chat with a guy.. so we were realli quiet while the rest mingled..
to my surprise, there were onli 4 gals in the og..3 before shan bin joined us.. i tot chem engin was called a female engin course becoz there were mroe gals than guys... but i guess we took it positively.. the gals were bonded from that very first time we met... yimin's from vj too.. cool... my tong xiang.. wahaha... o... and the first guy i took notice of was gui deng.. he;s like this big muscular guy with a baby face.. lol.. gd combi though... didnt realli get to know him until the later part of the day... n seth was in red... he realli look familiar.. now i noe y.. coz he;s from vj... he;s 2 years my senior.. feli's batch.. so i wouldnt know him from vj.. but he has this vj look.. most of us were pretty shy pple in the beginning.. we couldnt catch the cheer fast.. i was getting worried that my og's gonna be boring..
pple started opening up when we played the ice breakers.. seth was constantly sabotaged when we played wacko becoz his name was the easiest to call... lol.. melvyn and weijie our senior was forfieted to do pole dance.. lol.. gay pole dance... so funny... they r realli enthu pple... i'll be blushing like some ang bao if i had to do tt... valerie was the leader... she's the one introducing the games and all to us.. another very onz senior...
lunch was not bad... catered buffet.. i love the campus games... the human twist thingy was the best.. it was then we started bonding... trusting each other and listening to each other... the 2 body parts games were fun too.. one of which i had to put my knee on weijin's right ear was hilarious.. it was then i got to interact with him a bit more... the guys r realli very onz... peng siang and zhi quan tried to make use of the railings so tt their legs will not be touching the grounds.. i was shocked.. haha... so enthu~!
we went to sentosa at about 4 or 5pm... the gals had to share a room with another 3 gals from pheugo.. the guys all into another room, councillor had to squeeze into another.. i was excited to meet new pple again.. the three gals are anqi, weili and pretty angela.. nice pple.. but a bit too dainty for me.. haha... cant help it... but we had a hard time squeezing all 6 of us in the room.. costa sands is realli small.. worse than the one in downtown east..
after dinner, it was time for sp interaction... i guess it's more exciting than the letter writting one tt we did in vj.. both blind folded. both got no idea about everything.. haha... i am lucky to have an enthu sp.. he took initiative to chat.. quite paiseh about tt... but i didnt noe how to get it started.. hehe.. it was quite fun... i had to feed him chocolates.. n he;s quite smart to use his hands to direct them to his mouth huh.. if not the chocolates would be everywhere.. lol... i didnt like the climbing stairs part though.. so scary.. doing all tt blind folded...
next was fright nite... cool activity... it's like haunted house.. yea i always like such stuff.. but this was diff from the usual ones that i;ve been to. becoz it;s out it the open.. in a spooky house among the trees... i was grouped with zhi quan, the commando... didnt know him tt well then.. haha when hong bee and weijin entered, we heard a lot of screams.. tt kinda make my heart beat faster.. was excited and wonderinf if it would be better than th vj one.. i got to see the brave macho side of our dear commando during fright nite.. as usual, the ghosts were not scary.. we didnt scream at all.. there were onli 2 times when some of them jumped out suddenly where we got a shock.. lol.. i'm blessed that zhi quan was with me.. he made me feel realli safe and secure.. he's like checking for all the blind spots and all... the house was realli dark... there was this corner where we tot it was a dead end... so dark tt we onli found a door to a room when we realli walk to the corner of the house.. i was realli nervous.. held onto him throughout the experience.. haha.. quite maluating.. shhhh...
the day ended at about 3am... all tired.. but i couldnt sleep... poor me.. had headaches the next day.. twice~!

day 2: beach games
yup.. i was in a daze most of the time becoz of the lack of sleep.. brain was not functioning well already... it was quite a demoralising day for LUNA becoz we lost 6 games in a row... n the natural comedian weijin reminded us that we won the animal game... haha.. the first game of the day.. cool... but i guess we got more bonded becoz of tt.. at least we tried to fite together and give our all to win the game.. it felt great... i guess it;s like playing any other softball game.. when ur team is down and no matter how hard u try, things just doesnt go ur way.. it;s realli tiring and frustrating.. i have to agree with weijie.. the frisbie game is realli pissing.. especially for me... i cant stand MCPs... the guys r like passing to each other.. and the gals r left out when no one else is guarding us.. some guy was guarding me in the beggining.. may be becoz i had the sporty look.. or did i look aggressive? haha... when the opposing team spot our weakness, we were realli like extras.. standing ard... unable to help the grp.. argh... sucks..
time passes realli fast with all of tt going on.. soon, we had dinner, bathed.. and it was sp interaction again... this time, we were asked to eat this candy mix sweet ... the long and realli sour one... we were asked to bite it at the ends.. and my sp, felix.. haha he had to chew it until i could feel his breathe... how scary... haha.. thank god the seniors stop us before anything happens.. haha..
after tt, i had to go to the seniors room for dance practice.. i was chosen for the dance competition with seth... yup.. he;s a fun guy.. vj ogl.. so pro at the dances... n blur me had a hard time trying to catch the dance steps.. but he was quite supportive.. i depended on him a lot.. he was always prompting me.. hm.. nice guy.. n he's quite sensitive.. constantly aksing me if i wan a rest becoz i was having a bad headache.. the practice ended at 3am when we got all the wacky moves in it.. not onli seth.. all the guys in LUNA are realli nice.. when i was having a headache, gui deng offered me panadol and oilment. weijin n gui deng passed me water.. seth would constantly ask if i was ok... so did the seniors... sorta felt like a queen... haha... dunno y i was so weak.. perhaps it's becoz of u noe wad.. gals... but ya... i felt so xin fu.. haha... some of the guys i know in vj arent as gentleman as LUNA guys... so yup... realli think our og pple r very nice...

day 3: beach games & SP nite
scavenger hunt was fun.. pple like me with brains not functioning well are blessed with smarties ard us.. haha.. i didnt realli help much with all the brain cracking word puzzles... better at finding clues i guess... yup.. i realise my physical fitness is still alright.. becoz we ran alot along the beach... i was running with the guys... just realised so when seth told me about it.. haha.. but running felt gd.. wasnt tt tiring... i guess it;s mentally draining when u run in the stadium... may be tt's y it's diff.. we reached there first... so cool~! haha...
LUNA is the best~! Hong dou~! Da hong dou~! i dun see the link.. realli... but it's the fastest cheer tt we caught.. hee..
highlight of the camp and the day for me was SP nite.. so cool and romantic... along the pool, we stood and waited for the guys to guess who their SPs are.. poor beckham aka david... he was dressed in this pink shirt.. haha.. poor him guessed wrongly twice and was forfieted to go on his knees and shout, "wo dui bu qi wo de sp" haha.. the rest got them right at their first guess.. so cool.. my SP was nice.. like chatting with him.. haha... he claimed tt he was pressurised becoz i knew my dance well... haha... dinner was at the beach bar... outdoor, under the stars... how romantic.. i realli love the place... it makes my heart melt, makes my legs wobble... my sp, felix was such a gentleman.. haha... he brought me food.. and as usual, he started the conversation.. haha i feel bad... but i am learning how to crap like everyone else do.. i couldnt concentrate becoz i was so nervous about the dance competition..flashes of the dance routine keep flashing thru my mind.. argh.... i could have torn my dress.. haha.. seth wasnt sitting far from me.. we exchanged looks for a few times.. i think he was nervous too.. he made this heart thumping action.. haha... didnt noe a zai dancer like him would be tt nervous too.. we rehearsed once before we went up for the competitition... i'm glad that we weren't the first 2 grps.. gave us a chance to look at the others and some time for me to physce myself up... somehow, i convinced myself.. and i let it go... kept the seniors words in mind... right seth, just have fun.. so i did.. i probabaly look kinda crazy up on the stage.. the lights were so bright. i couldnt see audience downstairs.. so tt was to my advanatage.. it was like just seth n me.. guess we were not bad la.. haha... it was like sth off my chest when all was done..
~to be continued~

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