Sunday, July 31, 2005

this week is chalet week

yup yup.. mon to wed luna chalet... n i just came back from family chalet to celebrate granny's birthday... hee :P i still enjoy company of my new uni frens more.. i guess it;s becoz of our age.. more crazy fun and sleep checks? lol... family chalet wasnt too bad but u noe.. all the adults.. parents = restrictions.. sigh.. i played mahjong most of the time.. hm... and time seem to pass realli fast...for both chalets...

we quarreled again this afternoon.. was playing mahjong.. he called. and i lost focus, lost 10 bucks on one hand.. damn.. i wasnt angry at him at all.. jokingly, i complained.. n he took it seriously.. in the very beginning, his tone was so hostile already... he pissed me off again.. n everyone was looking at me.. since i cant multi task especially when he's complaining for no gd reasons, i hanged up.
felt tt there's no pt arguing with him.. i'm just gonna irritate myself again.. so.. once again.. breaking up comes to my mind again.. it's been appearing in my head far too often.. not healthy for out relatipnship.. but i cant help it.. i've been balming him all the while.. but perhaps it might just be me... i jumped into the relationship too fast, too early.. i have the responsibility if it fails too.. may be i am too straight forward for him.. i dunno la... feels like we cant realli tok, not compatible as he once said...

den at nite, he called.. i tried my very best to calm down n discuss about us peacefully.. yes we did.. he's trying his best to compomise.. i can see tt.. i told him my stand.. it's very firm.. weijie is right.. i noe very well wad i wan.. if he cant give it to me, den let's not waste time.. i tried.. but it's affecting me way too much.. school's gonna start soon.. i'm not gonna let those long hours arguments over the fone happen.. i dun have time for tt nonsense.. it;s just ridiculous.. u see.. i;m so tired of it.. so stressed up.. i am strong at the outside yet soft in the inside... cant take all these alone like tt... i just felt like breaking down sometimes.. let go it all.. and feel no more pain... we worked it out somehow... may be meeting tml.. funny... i;m not realli looking forwrda to it.. perhaps we've quarrled so much.. i'm losing it..

anyway, we just celebrated granny's birthday.. the exact date is on mon 1st aug... she has aged so much... yet i can still see her beauty.. she was constantly smiling... must have felt blessed with so many love ones, children n grandchildren by her side... when she wished before she blew the candle, i noticed tears in her eyes... i felt for her. i wondered y.. i felt sadness.. like wad mum said in the car back home.. think granny knows her health.. it;s deteoriating.. i am worried for her... or perhaps she's touched tt we're all there to cleberate tt special day for her.. hm... the feeling i got when i saw tt look on her face was undescribable.. sigh... i hope she stays healthy..

so much going on... so much to do.. gd news.. i got both sartors tt i bid for. acc n mkt.. n yea.. paulene takign with me.. even though she;s in biz, at least we have soemone we know... great man.. i hope we can go for same tutorial too.. den mkt project wont be a prob.. sch is starting soon.. shall make use of the time to have more craxy fun or nua at home.. yea...

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