Monday, July 04, 2005

My medical checkup in UHWC

hm.. i actually read christine's blog on her medical checkup hm... a few days ago? was it sat or sun? i had mine today... went to NUS early in the morning with my mum.. reached there like 0730.. was too early since it onli opens at 0830.. yup... spent tt 1 hr in mum's office... anyway, later mum showed me how to take the shuttle bus to the place.. it's in yusoft ishak house... the canteen looks best among those that i've seen there...

anyway, i was new there.. so i was kinda blur.. daph told me i didnt have to bring anything.. so i didnt.. checket the freshmen guide too.. it wasnt written in there tt i have to bring some medical sheet thingy, like wad the nurse said... anyway, they had a photocopied one.. so i used it... first station was the wt n ht n eye sight inspection stop... i gained weight.. damn.. 53.6kg... not sure wad my measured ht was though.. didnt have the chance to see... anyway, thanks god i have my contacts on, i could see everything tested quite clearly..

2nd station was the urine test one.. alamak.. i was so nervous, having christine's experience in mind... but yeah... i had it well planned.. ok this sounds a bit disgusting... but i pee a little first.. den put the little cup there to collect it... it wasnt tt difficult after all... hee.. yeah all negative.. perfect...

3rd station.. i had to wait for my turn... wait for my no to be called... the 4 red no blinked on the digital screen and i was supposed to go to room 4.. it was my first time after all.. didnt know where it was.. i was looking ard. n this helpful guy was smiling at me, pointing to the door and saying, "here it is".. ya... was it the way he look? i sensed sneering... or was i too sensitive? yuck i didnt realli like it... had to see this doc... she look more like some chi sinseh... haha... she had grey permed hair and this typical chinese look.. had my blood pressure tested... den she made me loosed my bra and lie on this bed.. aiyo... very embarassing when she was checking my heart beat, stomach and searching for swellings on my boobs... it was ticklish... i was trying very hard not to laugh... i must have looked weird... ah nvm...

last station was the x ray thing.. ya just as wad everyone have experienced.. take a deep breath and copied.. done.. think i made a right decision to come early... so the whole thing took a while onli... didnt have to realli wait at all.. but the journey home was realli long... needa get my disc man and all prepared for uni life... need to find more frens who will be traveling like me... wouldnt be so lonely then...

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