Tuesday, February 14, 2006

after almost 3 months...

here i am again..

Happy valentine's day to all...

it's been a great day for both giving and recieving...
made flowers for my luna pals and a few other frens...
even though some of the flowers were falling out, i hope you still like them..
did until 3am lor~!!! after coming home from flv meeting.. sigh..

and for my dear... so smart right? i got him wad he need just in time...
quicksilver belt... his pants were dropping.. lol...

o yesh.. even though we both didnt have time to realli make today a very romantic one,
think it was sweet enuff.. at least for me..
i dunno if i was touched.. moved to tears..
but ya.. i cried.. haha.. in the middle of suntec city...
finally gave him the answer he wanted after 1 mth?
ha.. if it's not for wad he said, if it;s not for the way he looked at me when he said those things..
i wouldn't have.. i would have waited a lil longer...

it was so comical and things werent going as well as planned..
firstly, the next casanoma movie slot was at 7pm when we were there at 3 plus, 4.
so we ended up watching fun with dick and jane instead..
2ndly, roses were sold at $120++. after all the flowers and gifts and treats tt he has been getting for me the past 2 weeks, he's officially dried like dried sotong.. and they werent even tt pretty..
by the end of the day, i got 2 from him - one white, one blue... thanks thanks.. muackz..
3rdly, suki sushi was freaking packed~!!!
went to kovan to eat thai express instead..

thanks for all ur prezzies dear.. especially the ee-hor tt looks like u..
hahaha.. n i wasnt angry then la.. not so petty.. :P

n thanks to the rest who gave me prezzies too..
ks.. keep up the good work.. nice chocolate strawberries u made..

will post up some pictures with my angel soon...
finally i found my angell..
i noe u'll be there whenever i need u..
i noe u'll be there to protect me...
n sorry to make u wait every nite for me to finish with my meeting..
thanks for sending me home so late..
if it's not for u, i wont have as much rest as i could for the past few days...

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