Saturday, February 04, 2006

the end...

was there..
wanted to see how i would feel..
the fence blocked too much..
i onli saw the familiar jersey no...

the gals were gonna play first...
couldnt wait longer..
no pt..
perhaps a lil suprisingly, missing it didnt feel bad at all...
becoz i just wanted to prove myself...
not to see him..

may be it's like sth to wrap up everything..
when i got to noe tt he won champs,
my onli response was a sigh, followed by a smile..
thankful tt his hardwork paid off..
thankful tt all he sacrificed for was worth it..

now tt it's all over...
think it's sth off my shoulder...

headed for dinner with my angel later...
thanks angel.. for being so understanding..
u were always there for me..
it was a hot night...
so much said...
i'm blessed...
n i shud be happy and contented with wad i have..
i shud cherish wad i have..

the day will come...
it will...

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