Thursday, February 02, 2006

it's been 43 days...

been talking to a few pple lately...
val woke me up..
been decieving myself..
been trying so hard to get over him..
been telling myself tt he's not worth it and i have to get over him by hook or by crook..
been telling myself so often tt i realli tot i havent gotten over it..
sadness i feel no more..
but when val asked me if i am confident tt i will definitely not patch up with him if he ever ask me to go back to him, i couldnt answer..
i wasnt sure...
i knew it is the right thing to do..
he isnt ready.. he will never be in the months to come..
y am i waiting?
y shud i be waiting?
he was so heartless.. he left u alone..
may be i was just a fling..
may be it wasnt as deep to him, as it was for me..
i commited, i closed all doors..
may be he didnt..
o no.. i am digressing again..
but ya.. i havent gotten over him..
i still like u just a lil bit..
nth wrong with admiting i hope..
wanna face it..
run away no more..
it's not going anywhere..
sth has to be done..
someone's waiting for me..
someone sweet n nice...
someone who has always been there for me..
when i'm so down..
when i fell so hard becoz u let go of me just like tt...
it's not for this special someone onli..
it's for me, just me...

he's not worth it shirley... move on~!!!

n to u.. my special someone..
so sorry tt i have to make u wait..
not gonna get into another r/s when i havent gotten over the past..
tt terrible heart ache...
wanna start everything right..
i hope u understand

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