Wednesday, August 03, 2005

new blog skin

o man... i am so fickle nowadays... now i feel tt my blog skin is a bit too red n bloody? bloody.. haha.. tt's how wei xiang described it... lol... but i cant find one tt fits my mood yet... so.. mai hiam bei pai la..

o.. i just added links to a few photo albums.. hm kayaking tt we went yesterday, chalet... fwc one coming up soon.. too mnay pics.. too mnay captions to change.. o ya.. yesterday's kayaking was kinda pathetic.. i mena the no of pple who came.. there was seth, yimin, peng siang, guideng, weijie n me... onli~! seth n peng siang joined us onli later.. after our buffet at suki~! yum yum~!

i think i ate a lot of sashimi man... o n oysters~! hehehe.. :)~ u noe.. i still think we should eat the raw one first before the cooked ones? if not will get stomach ache lei.. raw ones r like salads? eat them with warm japanese green tea.. wa... shiok.. i'm in heaven~! o suki chef was so kiam siap.. the 3 slices of tako was soooo thin~! hm.. guideng liked it too.. haha chewy~! ok so it was our first time eating jap buffet together.. not much muo qi huh.. weijie ordered so much tepanyaki.. the table was so full with sushis, sashimi, oysters etc.. n yimin tot tt salmon skin was soft shell crab.. wahaha.. so blur... o ya she;s realli the blur queen yesterday.. she's well known for her lame cold jokes.. but somehow she couldnt catch ours yesterday... damn wols... haha.. we had a gd stomach work out becoz of her while eating... dun need to worry about getting fat already.. n somehow her coordination of her mouth n hands werent very gd.. she kept dropping food.. once on weijie's foot~! lol.. n she used up all the serveits (how do u spell man?) ha..

we met a lot of nus students doing flag yesterday... they were everywhere in bright yellow.. n we spot paulene~! wa i havent seen her since sec sch.. onli chatted online.. my gosh.. i couldnt recognise her.. neither could she recognise me.. hahaha... she had dyed hair.. blonde streaks.. n wearing this cute brown hat.. lol.. sorry but i think she puffed up a little since sec sch.. lol.. ooo she's gonna be my sartors lecture mate~! yea.. finally found company~!

yup.. later we went to ecp, leaving weijie n his uni frens.. i was tired.. not in the mood to kayak.. so i volunteered to take care of their belongings while they carried on with their wet fun.. took a few photos for them.. haha.. they seemed to enjoy a lot.. ooo weijie was realli sweet.. or may be he was bored like me? haha.. he came to look for me after a while.. yea.. guess he was realli tired.. he actually slept on the stone chair. n i was reading my "the godfather".. o man.. i still cant finish it... o did i mention tt there were many mosquitoes? i got 6 bites all over... weijie got 6 onli on his.. erm.. was it arms or legs? lol.. mine grew realli big becoz i was busy scratching.. haha.. cant help it... so disgusting~!

hm... think i'll try kayaking again next time.. when i am fit n well..

a few of my frens have been asking me about my msn nick.. hm.. ya i have to agree with weijie.. the nick says it all.. y do we put up suck nicks? becoz we want attention. we wan others to probe even though we may not wanna tell it all.. we want to know tt there r pple who care for us.. it's a subconcious thing for me.. just like blogging... my blog is a channel for me to tok about anything i wan, to pour out my feelings, my inner thoughts.. knowing tt others may be reading, i might have said things i wan them to noe but wouldnt say it out face to face? or i may not be bothered about wad others might say.. i just whack~! it;s my blog after all... am i side tracking? i am toking nonsense.. making any sense at all? i dunno.. haha... waiting for time to come.. den i can go watch charlie n the chocolate factory~! yeaness~!

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