Wednesday, April 06, 2005


man... i've got nth to do today.. except lto ook forward for vj's game later.. which happens to start onli at 4.30pm~! argh~! since when do the gals start later than the guys? anyway... i can still go down earlier to throw some balls with daphne... and watch the guys match coz they seemed to be a better team than the previous batches... man.. can they hit... hm... they r more frenly and less arrogant i guess... heard that the gals n guys team are quite supportive of each other.. so i'm happy for them... the previous batches never got to achieve tt unfortunately.. we were like 2 different CCAs... sigh... o well... hope they play well with RJC later...

gals, it's time to do ur thing~! show PE dept wad u're made off~! just play well and SHUT their stupid mouth UP! i realli feel like scolding them... WTF... how can they even think of replacing my gals with those juniors who have never played a real game before? u realli think tt's possible? i'm not arrogant.. but it's a fact that our tk gals are not replacable.. not unless u can find any experienced softballer... well, i havent heard of any in vjc so far.. so BUZZ OFF~! if u have no faith in them, y take in so many in the first place? have u realli played in the game urself? do u realised tt the top 2 teams for both guys n gals are always those with most experienced players?! DO U EVEN NOE TT? if there r no tk softballers here to play for u, U'RE NTH~! Other teams especially HCJC can just walk over u~! Jerry will think nth of u... u're not even worth his single breath of screamings! o man.. i'm so angry again... haha... i'll stare at them if they ever say tt today...!

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