Friday, April 01, 2005

mY FiRsT dAy Of sLaCkInG

hee.. i'm a free gal now.. slept all the way until 10 plus am... lol... ya.. wad a pig i am... hm... didnt have breakfast bcoz it was the yucky GREY yam cake! GREY! can u believe it? yucks.. spoiled my appetite... i went online... n not many of my pals r online tt early.. so i was so bored... n hey it seemed like roger knew.. he smsed me at the right time... greeted me.. then i asked him out for lunch...

we met outside meridien hotel.. went to the food court there to have delicious fish n chips! wahaha~! o he has the fisherman's choice aka seafood platter in fish n co.. it's like so cheap compared to fish n co's. onli a humble 5 bucks! n it's comparible to fish n co's ok! have it warm from the kitchen... yummy~! :)~ after tt, roger couldnt find his fren whom he's supposed to pass him a present.. so he accompanied me to orchard lib... hee.. it's cool... borrowed 3 story books.. hopefully i can finish all 3 in 3 weeks.. haha... yea.. later, i accompanied roger to find his cd case. we were both tired.. yawning constantly... ya.. didnt do much.. after tt, we just went home separately...

ha... i was determined to make my day an eventful one... so the min i reached home, i packed my stuff n went off for a swim in serangoon swimming complex. yea.. feels gd in the water... o... i think i got slimmer compared to the last time i swam... but i lost my butt~! sad sad! it's so small now... :P hm... somehow the swim suit seems to be smaller.. no mroe like shorter.. after swimming like obli 8 laps, i was so tired... haha havent exercise for a long long time.. dun mind me.. when i came up from the pool, i felt like i almost zao geng... my boobs were like half exposed already... i mena just the top.. felt uneasy... tried not to make it so obvious when i tried to pull it up higher... *blush.. thank god no guys were around... didnt get any unwanted stares.. heng~! ya.. i just dried myself n went home for a bath...

well, actually i just came home from dinner with my family. becoz of work, i havent been able to have a gd meal with them for pretty long time... it was great tonite.. went to suki.. mum didnt wan us to have buffet.. so 3 of us ordered teriyaki chicken don n ma ordered saba set. wa! they gave sooo much rice.. eat until i almost puke.. n i still cant finish the rice... but it was nice u noe.. realli... hm.. ya den i went to cheng san lib.. ya lib again -.- borrowed a book on dream weaver.. hopefully i can master tt in this holiday too.. hee.. quite fun.. i wanna make my own blog skin too...

well, right now.. i'm waiting for everyone to go sleep so tt i can meet dear soon... but yawnz.. i'm tired.. from shopping at orchard today n the swimming... i gotta go rest now.. *tata*

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