Wednesday, April 06, 2005

wa this is my third post for today.. anyway it's kinda screwed up today coz i was so excited to watch my junior's 1st match today and it had to rain.. alamak.. *faint... so sianz... but anyway i threw with daph n stacy.. so not bad la.. hm.. my throw not tt gd today.... alamak.. i must try to master it when i go tk n train sec1s.. more like getting myself warmed up... hm... i havent bat... i wonder if i still can.. o ya.. i caught for diana~! o crap.. she's so scary.. ahvent pitch for sooo damn long.. and her pitching still hurts like mad... can u imagine if she realli trains for it? it's fast and accurate... hm.. i realli hope cheryl can do it too.. she can la.. she just needs more self confidence.. mroe encouragement.. if not y did coach choose her to be a pitcher n not me? i like being a ctacher.. love it actually.. but i wanna learn pitching too... ok a lot of typos i think.. coz i'm like typing so fast~1 lol... hope u get it... ok tata~!

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