Sunday, April 10, 2005

Mon seems like an exciting day~!

hee... firstly, i shall reflect about today... hee.. met up with dear dear again.. yesterday's meeting was too short... n his mum is forever back in malaysia when her dear son books out.. i realli dun understand y.. doesnt she miss him at all? i'm afraid tt dear dear would be sad tt no one is spending this precious time with him so i always try to meet him when i can. anyway, met up dear at lavender this morning.. he tot he would be late.. so he asked me to take my time. n i did.. but guess wad.. i was late! like 15 min... lol... dear looked pale.. even though he's already so tanned by the scorching merciless sun... he's sick.. having sore throat n cough.. it makes my heart ache when i see him cough.. he looks like he's gonna cough out his stomach... realli terrible.. i bought strepsils for him since he refuse to see a doc or take medicine. our first stop was tt market tt sells or the amry stuff tt he needs.. dun remember wad it's called though... had lunch.. realli light one for me.. i ordered "xi1 yang3 cai4 tang1".. actually it's more for him... coz the aunty say it's cooling... hee... yup.. think he likes the veg a lot.. yeah.. den we did the shopping again.. think he's preparing for field camp already.. hope he dun lose so much weight.. dao lost like at least 5kg from 10 days of field camp or sth like tt... man.. scary.. o ya dao must eat more ya? hee.. :P

hm.. then we walked to prince and watched the pacifier! ai yo.. feel so guilty spending his hard earned money... all the tough trainings he has to go thru during ns.. alamak... guilty seah! anyway, pacifier was not bad.. it's more like a family show... haha... cute cute... yup... if u;re looking for sth to smile and laugh about.. sth relaxing to watch with ur frens, tt's the show u should be going for... hm.. den we went back to dear's place to drop his stuff.. accompanied him to have dinner... den i went home lo... sad sad... i realli dun like the parting part...

o not forgetting the part we quarreled... i'm so pissed when he oggles at big boobs.. even fat woman's~! faint! felt not appreciated for all tt i have done for him.. felt like he dun realli like me for who i am.. who dun wan big boobs, nice skin n all tt... i realli mean OGGLE! he looked like some wolf ok! felt like slapping him! i was so pissed.. i just ignored him.. it's not realli like a big matter.. but i just cant stand it... the more u love someone, the more impt such things become.. at least tt is the case for me.. sigh... i cried like shit... n somehow he seem to knew wad i was thinking of.. guessed he realli tot about it.. so he answered all my doubts without me questioning or complaining... great.. i was so surprised tt he knew how i felt and happy tt he made me feel better.. so i stopped crying.. yea... it's great.. it's onli been 5 mths plus. coming to half a year... it seems so short.. but we're like a couple who has gone thru think n thin together for years.. we actually know wad each other r thinking of... last week, we bought those silver earings tt i like at the very same day separately. this week, he bought me a pretty sky blue wallet. i've been thinking of getting a new one for months! never realli mentioned to him b4... HE JUS KNEW~!
n whenever i do sth with him, i'll think of him.. for example, i wanna get a drink, i'll order bubble tea if there is. coz he loves to chew on those pearls which r each 30 calories btw... lunch was similar... arent u envious of us? lol... i feel so lucky... hee... muuuack!

ok about tml... well, i was suppose to go back TK to help coach coach the sec1s.. but jan told us tt rj n vj will be playing tml... so hee... meeting jan, pris anc heryl at 1pm for lunch at parkway tml.. hee... den we're gonna watch the guys match.. hope they play well.. at least a gd tough fite so tt rj wont be so arrogant anymore.. hm... as for the gals.. i realli wan them to perform.. believe tt they can... so jia you~!

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