Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Wa La wA lA~! we are the CHAMPIONS~! hee... even though I am not in the team, I'm still so proud of them! we beat hcjc like 6-1 la~! tt's like trashing~! wahahaha~! I am up on cloud no. 9~! yeah yeah~!

okok relax shirley... let's reflect on how everything happened..i met cheryl at orchard today.. we were supposed to shop for her mom's mother's day present.. we didnt get anything in the end.. but it was kinda fun.. and time always pass fast when u r shopping, when u r having fun.. hehe... we went to Tangs.. there's this super big lingerie section where there's this realli COOL nice changing rooms side. One of the changing rooms is called Queen of Hearts~! It like so shiok la~! a bit bigger, u can make it a bedroom already. It might be the same size as some of the bedrooms in the new condos~! It has this super big mirror in front, place for hangers and this big round couch or wadevre u call it! so cool.. it realli deserves it's name... prob live like a real queen if u have tt as just ur changing room at home~! the rest are smaller but quite nice too.. and all the bras are like super cute n super sweet! i feel like buying all of them~! eeek~! I just have this thing for lingeries... sadly, no money... haha.. I was trying to stop myself from trying anything on so tt i wont have a chance to buy anything.. lol..

ok after all the shopping, we took a cab to hcjc since we forgot about time while having so much fun shopping. just when we board the taxi, it started to rain~! cheryl was like "WTH~!" we're both kinda angry la.. waste our cab fare... the guys started first and the game went on n off, on n off due to the rain. they onli managed to finish 1st top where hsien yao, 2nd batter made a nice hit to left field. for some reason, perhaps he was too desp, he didnt listen to coach albert and tried to go to 3. I thought that wad coach albert said was true. Even if u r the fastest runner, u will not get urself safe on 3.. the ball simply travel faster than the runner. It's guys playing after all~! fortunately for them i tot, the game was postponed by the good umpire who dislike to play in a rain. but it's kinda sianz... coz i was looking forward to this game too. i tot vj had a chance to beat hcjc.

o well, den it was the gal's turn. somehow or rather, I have great faith in my juniors. in my heart, i always believe tt they r the better team. so i had no doubts tt it will not go their way! yeah! 1st inning, hcjc managed to score a run. we fought back and got one run. if i am not wrong, most prob, it's candice's home run. wa she hit damn nice la.. it's a drive to between cf n rf... it was clear.. went all the way to the rock stairs of hcjc.. right at the end of tt flight of stairs... NICE~! BRAVO CAN CAN~! well, in the beggining they didnt make gd hits. it was better later. hcjc did hit pretty well in the beginning too. it was diane's ball la. not tt she's not gd. she is. alamak.. she's onli sec3 and she's striking out pple like ESTHER~! lol.. i wonder if hcjc knows... so no face la~! anyway, diane's pitch is not as heavy as putri's.. so easier to send out lo.. but i realli think she improved a lot.. i am sure she'll be a pro by year 1... ya... and i think they can realli trust their fielders.. outfield like how zai~! meiling's catch was superb~! jump n caught~! wa so nice~! PRO~! i think it was 4th or 5th inning tt vj started wacking and hcjc started fumbling... and there came 3 runs... making it 6-1... hehehe.... O ya.. since vj started batting, they had to finish all 5 innings.. the last caught by bong was the most unforgettable~! coach zhang like how smart! so experienced tt she could predict wad kinda ball the batter will hit by the way she holds her bat. i noticed too... the batter's bat was slanted down, brought lower so tt her cut down could be made faster to meet put's ball... not sure if it will be be a gd drive. but i also tot it 's going to bong... coach zahng shouted and told bong to mover forward... and guess wad.. it realli went to her.. and perhaps cheryl was right.. if she was standing where she was, it probabaly might be harder to catch due to the bounce. so we must realli thank coach zhang. she's so pro~! not forgetting coach jo who's been yelling n yelling most of the time.. haha.. she so kan chiong.. quite funny sometimes... but the team and us, will not be who we r if it's not for her. it's true about wad feli n daph say... our basics r definitely better... we dun slug. we dun anyhow throw... haha at least tt's how we r taught.. and wad we know is correct...

3 cheers n 3 cheers n 3 cheers for VJ~! Hip hip hurray~! Hip hip hurray~!

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