Monday, May 02, 2005

Catching up...

3rd day without hearing dear's voice... without recieving his sms... sigh... life sux... o well, thank god time is passing realli fast... with softball and all the events happening..

i went to watch Sound of Music at The Esplanade on Sat.. quite cool.. they sang realli well.. so gd tt i wonder if they have it pre-recorded... ya.. tt was the highlight of my Saturday...

It's kinda nice to stay at home n slack.. lol... tt's wad i've been doing these 2 days... highlight of my Sunday - dinner with my maternal side of my family. It's weird.. How come the whole world is celebrating Mother's day a week in advance? The restaurant was so crowded... Perhaps it's becoz of the long weekened.. It was Labour day after all...

Hm... O well... and today... highlight of my day - I'll be meeting Efei~! Wonder if anyone who reads my blog remembers him.. yea... How exciting... Plus we'll be having sushi buffet~! yipee~! Luckily I didnt lose any money yesterday.. won a bit here and lose a bit there... so dumb... I won 4 bucks in total.. lol... hope we can win a bit more today... hope to win back the 100 tt dear lost... so sorry...

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