Tuesday, May 17, 2005

long time no blog~!

ah... i dunno wad to blog about actually... lost touch with blogging... i've been keeping our dear love diary... so there isnt a point for me to blog realli... i've been writing all about my boring days in the pink lock book... it's cool.. it has 2 secret compartments in it... cool seah... anyway, i wrote all my MISSING Us and lovey dovey stuff inside... hee... proud of it... so dear can know wad's happening to me when he's not around with me...

anyway, i just read a few of my fren's blog... hm... christine's is forever nice... her england's like damn powderful.... she can realli express herself well.. hm.. i wonder... y not giver her the best blog award? i've read tt xiao xue's blog.. hm... i gotta admit.. it's realli funny... all the flash work tt she put up.. it's not very pro.. but comical indeed... i think tt's y pple like to read other's blog.. we're just born kpo... we feel tt our life's too boring.. like to poke our nose into others' business.. like to know wad's happening to pple around us... but christine's as good.. coz it's enlightening... she's a natural GP A1-ner... yup~! hm... o n bong's... quite interesting... so sianz.... y r so many interesting things happening to everyone? my life's so boring.. just stone at home all day... i'm wondering if i should go back to work... but then again, dear's gonna POP soon... he'll have a week break... and i realli wanna spend everyday with him if possible... we're thinking of going for a holiday together.. but will mum allow me to? sigh... tt's y i cant start work yet... even if i can find one, it wont be nice for me to take a week leave when i can onli work for a few months...

o... i check out the curriculumn and realised tt nus n ntu offers the same course. went for ntu tea party and almost got misleaded by them.. yes ntu is the onli sch in sg offering a degree in chem n biomolecular engineering.. but guess wad.. it's juts a difference in the name... they still study the same stuff... so... i dunno seah... looks like i got no excuse to choose ntu over nus... i'm torn apart... i've a better impression of ntu.. it seems like a more lively school.. of coz i'm going uni to mug and get my degree... but i wan an enriching 4 years... not just plain boring mugging.. i've always believe tt we should get a all-rounded education... nus's like so mugger... i dun like... n they have this bidding system for certain courses.. sianz... but on the other hand, my mum works there.. i can get free rides whenever possible... ntu seems nice.. but it's so far seah... so ulu.. prob have to stay in hostel.. if not i'll be spending close to 2 h just to get to ntu... sianz... how how?

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