Friday, May 20, 2005


I got a headache seah... yes... good... NUS offered me chem engin too... but no... unfortunately and fortunately, I'll have to choose between the two... obviously my mum wans me to go NUS.. why? becoz she works there... transportation wise is so much easier n cheaper... but u noe how mug nus is... n i hate tt... i believe in an all rounded education. i dun wanna just mug my entire 4 years thru like tt.. i wanna play halls games, wanna join clubs.. wanna forge life long frenships..n nus have this sickening bidding system for certain courses or lectures.. wa so sianz... wth... n ntu... it's more lively.. yes it seems... but it's so freaking far... yes it's still in singapore.. but i dun wanna spend 3h to n fro... wad a waste of time.. if i were to study in NTU, i would have to stay in the hostel... n man's fav comes along.. $$$$$$ .... sigh... i dunno.. tml there's NUS fac of engin open house... hope it's gd n realli informative.. so i can compare and finally decide.. my parents are anxious.. both asking me where i would choose right after i start reading the letters and booklets.. it's my future.. i realli gotta stop and think carefully...

hm.... o... did situational fielding with the sec1s today... at the same time, we taught the sec1s how to run bases too... hm.. running bases was much easier i guess.. for me, i focused more on the sec2s... i think tt their basics r good.. just tt they r not experienced enuff.. sometimes very blur... especially when there r more than 1 runners running.. poor thing.. a few of them cried... becoz they didnt do well today and they feel pressurized to win the championship title... it's like it's somehow becoming a tradition for TKGS to win C div champion... so.. ya.. i understand... but then again, i was surprised... coz i didnt expect these young gals to be so ambitous... to think so far... it's like nationals wont start in a mth time... they havent even played a national game... u noe.. dun think about the outcome... focus on the process and the outcome will take care of itself... hm.. it never realli got into me.. not such things... i aim to get the title... but i dun worry? hm... anyway shaz talked to them... n i hope they r ok... their next training is in june camp.. hope they cna gain more confidence in themselves.. another thing is... i do wish to talk to them... not tt i'm good with words.. but i feel tt they need to strengthen their mental skills... yes skills.. it is a skill... those were the day when we were lucky to have ms tng... who did so much.. organised mental training sessions for us.. i think they need it to... but we dun have it anymore... may be i can tok to them.. share a bit of wad i've learnt.. i wanna help them...

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