Friday, June 10, 2005

BrOkE BrOkE BrOkE~!

yes broke... sigh... guess wad.. it's true that women need a lot of time to doll up... i dunno y... i didnt do much.. i didnt out on make up.. but i just took like ages toget ut of the house.. agreed to meet dear at 1215 in city hall.

i remebered looking at the clock then.. it was 1136? had my lunch.. which took about 15 min.. den granny physcoed me to agree to doing the laundry.. it is a simple task after all.. she poured the clothes into the washing machine and i just have to give my fingers a few moves of aerobic workout and *tada DONE~! yup yupee.. den i jumped into my deadly purple spag n white skirt and was ready to go. when i last checked the time, it was 1203 already... my fone then beeped.. dear's msg.."i'm onli at paya lebar. how to reach in time?" so i tot ok.. i can take my time... but i forgot about the problem of lagging thru hp trasmissions...

at about 1209, dear msg again.. he has reached. i was like "OMG... i'm so dead.." i was still on my way to the mrt station. serangoon not city hall.. damn.. lol... so i panic and decided to hopped into a cab.. dear called numerous times and i refused to tell him where i was.. he would kill me if he knew tt i was about 300m away from my house.. lol... thankfully i didnt make him wait too long. the cab was fast.. reached at bout 1220? cant remeber.. but yea... it was so damn expensive.. cost me 7.80 damn...

since we would miss suntec's movie by the time we make our way thru the LONG LONG city link to suntec, we decided to head for marina. as i've checked, we were in time for the 1255 Cursed.. great... and it was damn cool.. great 2h... our 16 bucks was well-spent.. we had the entire theatre all to ourseleves.. so cool... no one else watched the show.. hee... and we had centre couple seats... good for cuddling.. keke.... *^_^*

o i spent 8 bucks for popcorn combo.. damn.. it's freaking ex.. how much does the corn cost man? n tt coke from some syrup tt u add water to.. n... the so called free-gift, mr n mrs smith notebook... lame... it's just a way to blind silly consumers like, make us feel tt our 8 bucks is spent more worthy than a 7.30 popcorn combo tt doenst have tt note book.. argh... i'm pretty broke.. but it's worh it for every cent i spent when i am with dear.. he pays for almost everything.. he doesnt like me paying.. so i try to chip in when i can.. hee.. but i still feel kinda ridculous for tt 8 bucks popcorn combo...

after lunch, we headed to vj to collect my cert.. the office was under renovation... terrible.. all the dust in the air... wonder how they can tolerate it.. the cert was kinda ugly.. pink n grey... wad kinda colour combi is tt man? eek~! time flies when u;re having a gd time... it's 4 plus then... so we took 76 home.. coincidentally dear was invited to his ns fren's house for a party and tt guy actually stays 4 stops away from me.. lol.. i so want to tag along especially when it's so damn near... hee.. but then again, it's not so nice.. coz in the first place, tt the party was meant to be a get together for the platoon and dear's not from the same platoon... he doesnt even not tt guy's frens well.. so it would be worse for me.. yup yup... so here i am blogging here... time's up... chao~!

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