Thursday, June 30, 2005

may be i should just avoid him...

i was realli pissed yesterday... got into this deep shit when i did practically nothing.. SOOOO FRUSTRATING~! it's end of the month.. my pocket's realli tight... the worst state i've been in my 18+ years of life.. call me a drama queen for all i care... here's my deep shit story:

firstly, i used to have 100 bucks savings... tt wasnt long ago.. like about 2 weeks ago? den chris lost money... so being this soft hearted caring girlfriend, i foolishly agreed to lend him 50 bucks under some circumstances which i dun quite remember.. 50 bucks.. ya it doesnt sound like such a big deal.. y did i agree? becoz we both believed that my dear buddy Xinglong will transfer the 50 bucks to me like real soon.. he's my buddy. i trusted him. and chris needed the money. how could i say no? later, chris lost more money thru soccer betting (i hope the gov closes down sg pool and stop all illegal gambling, i seriously do hope so).. he was so broke. i couldnt bear to see him starve himself so i lend him like another 20 bucks for his meals... and i should have known... he wont spend it.. he rather gamble with it.. and wa la... all gone back to sg pool.. becoz he was so broke and we still wan to go out have fun and date and do all sort of nonsense, i started digging into my savings...

onli till yesterday afternoon, den i realise that i've spent way too much.. 40 bucks have to go for the camp. 36 for dental which i owe NDC for like months already... 100-40-36=24.. yes tt's wad i tot i had.. but i then remembered tt i've been too lazy to look for an atm to draw out cash so i used cheryl's pay. after calculating all tt, i realise i onli have 7 bucks for the rest of this month. it aint tt bad right? it's the last few days of the month. but tt 100 includes the 50 tt xinglong owe me!!!! so i panic and asked for it. he was irritated. i understand. who wouldnt when pple are pressing u for money. Money.. so sensitive... for some reason, he claimed tt i bombarded his hp with 5 sms at a time. for goodness sake, y do u pple like to owe others money for so long? when u get ur pay, pay ur debt first~! it's been wad? a week or issit 2 since he got his pay. for some reason, he just dun wan to pay me back~! and he claims tt he is broke. he doesnt have money to return me~! innocently, i got into this deep shit. and he called chris up to complain me bugging him~! HELLO~! I AM THE VICTIM HERE~! argh~!!!! and he told chris tt i am becoming more brainless becoz i "cant follow simple instructions". WTF~! yes sir! i am not recieving any commands from u bastard~! i am soo super angry~! wad the fuck do u treat me as? argh... i swear i wont get involve with such stuff anymore.. just dun bug me~!

sigh... during the last day of the camp, i dropped my fone and the LCD screen broke. so my parents sent it for repair and bought me a new one. yeah. it looks cool. but aint tt impressive after all. i wasnt very excited when i got the fone for some reason. and yesterday night, mum told me about our financial problem. she asked me if i wan another birthday present or take the fone as one. well, i guessed she need the cash. so i told her i'll pay for my new fone ans she can get me sth else.. it probably wont be tt expensive... so... i hope tt some how helped. and since coach just paid us recently, mum wont have to give me pocket money for this month, and i wont have to pay her any sum. the good thing is tt i "got" my pocket money much earlier. the bad thing is tt my 200 bucks salary from coaching my juniors r all gone... sigh...

but i am looking on the bright side of life. it's end of june~! so... coach will be paying us soon~! hehe...

chris just complained.. he bet 200 bucks with xinglong yesterday. he won, supposedly 180.. and xinglong ot his fren dun wanna pay up. they claim tt extra time is counted. like since when? even sg pool dun. sigh... i dunno wad to believe. but it seems like xinglong isnt as trustworthy as i tot.. since he looks down on me, i shall stay away from him. chris is right. i shouldnt bother about the way he sees me... i am who i am. i am confident as i am.. so who cares? i'm going to uni and lead a happy challenging life. u can do it, shirley! u're the best~! let the rest who r jealous of u, think wad they wan. they cant do wad u can do. so be happy and stay cheerful~! :)

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