Monday, June 13, 2005

My hate towards VJC

i always wanted to say all these..

firstly, congrats to vjc soccer who got 2nd in nationals this year...

* evil grin *

since my gals are the CHAMPIONS, i believe we should have a bigger share of the field.. more priorities for the champion team perhaps?

dun mind me.. but i do feel mistreated and sorry for my team when i was representing the sch. i remebered tt i cried becoz i feel tt the sch is so baised against us just becoz we were 2nd. if every cca in vj got champs, i would shut up. but no.. then y the arrogance? y the biasness? i cried becoz i felt helpess when we wanted so much to train as hard as possible but we couldnt. i had the idea to talk the team into boycotting nationals. we're not asking for more funds. we paid extra for coach fees becoz we wanted to train as hard as we could to win the title. Definitely NOT for the school, NOT for TYH but for oursleves and my most respected coach who gave all her life for softball. we just needed cooperation, understanding n more support from the school. but unfortunately, we didnt.

we never had a sense of belonging for the school as a vjc softball team member. i never felt tt home ground was an advantage since it was such a STRANGER, soccer's territory. Pathetic. a pity.

the softball team made my days in jc, besides my class. NOT becoz it's VJC. definitely NOT. i have sportsmanship and i shall not go on further condeming these pple. but isnt it time for u pple who look down on my team and my juniors, u pple who said, "finally" when my juniors won the title, give us a break? just BUG OFF and let us do our thing. softball aint tt simple. ya it's a fact tt there arent many schools in a div. but it isnt as easy as it seems. ask ur boys to play with rj boys. see wad trashing u would get. try the vj softball boys 2005. they're the best batch tt i know of so far. they will make u see how tough it is to score a single run. pls appreciate our efforts. our opponets may be new but they r not lousy. just inexperienced. they can be as gd or even better if given a chance to pick it up earlier.

anyway, my juniors got it.. so PISS OFF if u r still gonna treat my dear juniors tt way. we're not arrogant. but if u dun appreciate it, if u think tt we can be easily replaced by any other gal in the school, think again! u dun need us then. we shall see if they get wad they deserved.

i will boycott nationals if i could turn back time. seriously~!

NOTE: i copied this from my frenster profile

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