Sunday, June 05, 2005

Gambling sux

yeah it sux man... i didnt buy japan win, didnt buy pick the score.. didnt buy singapore win... fuck shit... bulls eye man~! i didnt even check football stats. my instincts told me when i looked at the odds.. merely just took a glance... shit... japan won some team.. cant remember which.. 0-1... shit~! i got the score right too~! even if i bet with the min amt of 5 bucks, i would have won back wad i lost last time when i tried to help dear win back some. sianz... n the whole world seemed to be buying malaysia then. some how or rather my instincts told me to buy singapore.. i remember sg was the black horse since its odds was higher... sigh.... not fated i guess... i just told myself, if i had the chance to walk past sg pool, i'll buy 5 or 10 bucks... damn~! too bad i didnt.. sigh... i would have if i didnt force dear to quite betting.. role model u see... i shouldnt bet when i asked him not to. i'm not addicted. i'm not into betting at all. i dun care how high or low the odds are. i just like it when i guess the score right or got the right winner. yea... so it's not so bad tt i didnt bet afterall.. just tot tt if i could win back tt 25 bucks tt i lost becoz stupid tampines n geylang had to keylong when they havent for the past few sleague matches tt i guessed. i knew i was right. they KEYLONG~! o nvm... haha... it doesn matter anymore anyway...

n i lost my ring today... the pretty n special one tt dear bought for me... my dear ring.. i lost it at home.. u noe y i cant find it? i'm very sure tt my mum kept it when she found the ring on the table. i left it there when i had to squeeze some lemons to prepare lemon tea... argh.. she just wan me to get kan chiong right? just wana see my reaction.. guess wad... i knew it. n i didnt react the way u were hoping me to. ;P anyway, when i came back, i found it on the table... hiding among all the stuff.. all the containers... on the table.. i clearly remembered tt i left it at the corner of the table.. someone must have placed it there. if it's not my mum, it's definitely my cheeky dad... eeek~!

hm.. mum says OCC having promotion for their resorts... 108 for members... include breakfast for 2 and bbq for a family? my god... tt's cool.. so cheap.. i wanna get it for deare if i can... hee....

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