Monday, July 04, 2005

I'm so unlucky. my 1 week old fone is gone~!

fuck... i lost my fone... it's onli been a week. i havent even realli played with it. nokia 7260... come on, if u picked it up, return it to me~! i know it's super new. it's tempting.. but please put urself in my shoes~!

i lost it yesterday.. my dear dear fone... went to suntec to watch intial d with chris. i was so looking forward to it. all dressed up.. not so after all, but i looked sporty and sexy? i even had heels on... chris always wanted me to wear them.. so i did... i wanted it to be a happy enjoyable date before he book in again.. sigh... i remembered clearly that my fone was still in my bag when i paid for the tickets. i had this bad feeling tt i would lose my fone if i took it out when i search for my wallet in my bag.. chris was right. i didnt want to admit then. my bag is too small. i shouldnt have brought the digi cam. but i wanted to take photos of us... i finally remembered after so many weeks and i had to lose my hp becoz of tt... wtf~!

in 30 min time, the movie would be showing so we decided to stay around the place. there was a vcd shop just right outside eng wah.. so we stayed there to watch some preview of kungfu mahjong.. i might have lost it then. i held my bag close to my legs. it's too small to hang it on my shoulders. it was open becoz it was too full. but my fone was bulging out. it sat well on top of all my other precious. hence, i doubt i dropped it. someone might have stolen it then. i was engrossed at the preview or some time.

we then went to buy pop corns. i cant quite remember if my hp was still in my bag then. it's just not in my memory for some reason. but i have this feeling tt i took out my wallet with much ease. so i might have lost it before then. i onli discovered that it's gone when i wanted to turn it to silent mode in the theatre itself. i ran out frantically to look for it. i panic. i was worried sick. i felt lost, disappointed at myself... chris is right again. i could blame it to my carelessness. even though i out my hp in my bag, i shouldnt have left it right at the top. i shouted at chris when he kept telling me tt we wouldnt be able to find it. we tried calling my no but the fone is off or the person who found it might have thrown my sim card away.. i so wanted to find it back tt i didnt want to admit tt he was right. sigh.... it was a terrible day. we didnt watch the movie in the end.. wasted 20 bucks.. didnt do anything... no mood for any of tt...

no doubt, chris was more calm than me. i should thank him for being there for me. cant imagine how i would react if i was alone. i might have broken down, burst into tears in the middle of the cinema... i was so scared. he held me in his arms as i cried. so sweet of him. thank you my dear... muackz muackz...

i blocked my line temporarily. i tot of covering it up. get a new fone and pretend tt it's the same one. at least mum wont know. she wont get angry nor sad. of coz i am afraid of facing the music. but i didnt want her to lose trust in me. i didnt want her to think that i cant take care of myself and my own things.

mum just brought me around nus since we were too early for the medical check up. sigh... she's so nice... how can i lie to her? she has the right to know.. but i dunno how to bring it up to her. thinking of the incident, the fact tt i lost it, especially when it was in my bag, just makes tears well up in my eyes... so i wrote a letter, left it on her office table. hopes she sees it and wont get angry. i should think of more precautions. perhaps i should hang my fone in front of my chest? would it be safer? wad's the point of bringing a bag then when i could lose it like tt? if i held it in my hands or kept it in my pocket, i wouldnt have complaints losing it. but it was in my bag~! did it have legs to climb out itself? it's still a mystery.. i'm still praying that my hp will come back to me.. please do.. please do...

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