Friday, September 23, 2005

ahhh i m too tired...

o man... 2 down!! 3 more to go!

had my mkt presentation n phy mid term today.. mkt presentation was quite a success.. it was engaging i feel... so interesting tt out q n a session lasted for half an hour.. haha.. n i got my first A~!!!! A- actually.. hehe... :P happy ger..

ah... for the whole of mid term i have been sleeping at 2, 3am.. waking up realli early ranging from 6-8am.. n going to sch to do projects for my 2 sartors... sigh.. burn out.. too tired.. so tired my brain felt swollen... had sore eye.. n i guess i was too tired to think properly.. brain not functioning well, n hence screwed up my phy test.. o well.. i did 10 qn.. ti-cam the other 5.. of which 4 i could have done if my brian was working... n i was basically clueless about qn 14.. ahhh so bu4 gan1 xin1~!!! sigh.. 1st test.. it's always like tt.. o sigh.. n after looking at it for another 30min to an hour, i realise there's onli 1 qn tt i cant do... ahhh~!!!! brian not working! i am so brain dead now anyway..

sigh.. there's maths on mon n i ahvent mug
think i needa destress.. tml ps invited us for his ktv bdae session.. may be i'll go.. if mum let me stay out a bit later than usual ba.. NEED A BREAK~!!!!

n my decision to sleept for like 1.5 h was correct... it wouldnt have made a diff if i used tt 1.5 to mug.. sigh...

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