Tuesday, September 13, 2005

a lil bit of sparks in my life..

havent had the time to blog these few days becoz of stupid ctw assignment 2~! finally sort of finished it. yea.. hee :) hm... sch's getting boring.. mug , mug n more mugging... sigh... when are pru activities gonna start?

oo.. ya... lil sparks in my life.. i had my very first bike ride last fri... so cool~! hee.. weixian came to fetch me to sch on his motorbike.. i was realli scared in the beginning... felt so unprotected out on the road beside all the cars.. speeding n flying thru the road.. kinda held onto him pretty tightly in the beginning.. lol.. so pai seh.. but after while, i sorta got used to it.. onli realli felt the adrenaline rush when he went faster than 90km/h on my 2nd ride.. haha.. yea.. got default chauffer... lol... exploit or not? muahaha..

hm.. havent seen weixian for a long time.. since wad.. erm.. was it mid j2? yup... he still love wearing his singlets.. not bad.. he always look gd in them.. o n his new haircut.. kinda funky.. made him look like a boi boi.. lol.. n i almost forgot tt he's wad.. 4 years older than me.. haha.. feels great to catch up with old frens.. shud do it more often after my mid term.. or may be in dec...

a few strangers have been msging me in frenster ever since i changed my status.. y so? y r pple like tt? u're onli interested in a gal when u think u have the chance to get her? wont take initiative to make frens with someone who's attached?

let's see wad's frenster's forecast is like for today..

It's time to do a little cutting and pasting when it comes to your recent situation. Blazing a new trail isn't always easy, but the effort will be worth it in the end. Once this is over, people will know you're a force to be reckoned with.

wad does it mean?

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