Thursday, September 15, 2005

frenster seems to have an answer for me..

The Bottom Line
If you want to truly understand your power, give up control from time to time.

In Detail
It's hard to let go of an old relationship, whether it's a friend you've known since kindergarten or someone you see on a daily basis. However, if the situation is getting more and more uncomfortable, and you two are getting less and less enjoyment from each other's company, it's time to evaluate what's going on with a clear and cool head. It's nobody's fault -- in fact, it's quite normal. You're just growing in different directions.

shud i heed it? wad exactly do i wan? i m weak.. i run away when i dunno wad to do.. i m fickle at times.. at times when i dunno wad to do.. o gosh i just agreed with weijin tt i m not fickle unlike most gals... wad is this?

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