Thursday, September 01, 2005

i just wanna slack..

it's a slacking week.. with no maths, phy n mkt tutorial.. haha... i tried catching up with my readings.. my 2 sartors.. read a lot..

surprise surprise.. i wonder if i chose a wrong course.. i always like sci.. i enjoy doing maths whether i flunk it or ace it.. but i've been enjoying taking my 2 sartors even though i have quite a lot to do for them.. or shud i say it's realli up to u...

fna is very academic.. many many theorys n steps to remember.. i think they'll be tested even thiugh final exam is open book.. but i doubt it helps la..

mkt on the other hand is like so duh.. too gd to be true.. but it's realli interesting.. lectures r never boring.. even though i havent been to one so far.. haha.. power of webcast...

ya.. i think i like biz.. i didnt becoz i felt tt u dun have to study it in order to be in biz industry.. it's like so vague.. wad's there to study.. then again, i think i'm wrong..

am i mugging too much? uni life is becoming a routine.. no excitement at all.. so diff from sec sch n jc when i devoted myself to sch n softball.. everyday after sch is softball training.. 3 days a week field training, 1 day gym, 1 day track... i was so fit.. power gal... so hyper then, so healthy then.. tt i dun tire easily.. i could still do my hw when i come back from training.. but now is like.. sigh... finish sch at 4, come back.. nap.. wahaha... dunno y it's so tiring.. becoz of the long journey back?

anyway, tt brings me back to softball.. i miss softball so so much.. sometimes i wonder how it will be like if i m studying in ntu.. i'll be in hall.. freedom! independence! n my dear softballers tt i miss so much.. they're all there... daph, junjia, ching, jan, cheryl!! omg.. i am so jealous.. uni life will not be so boring with them.. i mean i made gd fun frens in nus.. but it's diff.. the bond tt we have after wad.. 6 years? n i miss coach.. i miss my juniors tt i helped to coach.. i miss training.. giving signals and doing all the shouting during training n game... i miss going thru all the shit with my team mates... the whole process.. the 6 years... sigh...

joined pru... hope things will turn out better if i can get into comm... i hate mugging alone.. tt's not the kinda education i wan... i needa have fun.. tok to pple... i noe it will be tiring organising those events.. but it's a gd experience... it's about team work too.. i dun like to be alone... unless of coz when i have to..

o elections is on 9 sept.. sigh.. granny's bdae.. how how? i wanna spend it with her.. but i wanna run for comm too..ahh better ask the president.. see wad i can do... it's compulsory lor.. and an overnite event.. sianz.. ooo.. did i mention tt i might be staying over at paulene's hall room.. wahaha... so fun! looking forward to it... it's a fri anyway.. i think we can just taun overnite.. wahahaha

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