Sunday, September 04, 2005

was with him.. n things turn real sour... i promised him tt i will try to lose my hate for him.. and treat him as a fren at least.. i tried.. i realli tried..

but he kept talking about our past.. reminding me of all those moments.. well, i had more unhappy ones in my mind.. so i got realli sick of it.. he doesnt understand.. so i started being a little harsh...

when we were on our way back, we quarreled... he was so frustrated tt he actually threw the newspaper he was holding onto, at me.. whack.. hard at my back... i m so angry.. so disapointed.. no one has ever done tt to me.. it shows how much respect he has for me..

realli cant tolerate him anymore.. i ran.. i tried to run away from him.. i cant face him anymore.. everything about him pisses me off.. well with my fna txt bk in my bag, how fast could i run.. ?

he caught up and stopped me.. pestered me all the way back for another chance.. how mnay chances have i gave him? tt's it.. nth more to say about him.. i told him off.. i told him to get out of my life.. y do i have to take all this shit? i'm selfish.. i wanna be happy.. tt's y i left him.. i m never comfortable ard him.. argh.. f***

-this is a repeat post -

ya nvm.. brief one.. i just hate him to the core... out of my life.. i dun wan to shed another tear for u... STOP PESTERING ME!!!

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