Saturday, September 17, 2005

luna gathering - shang yue hui last night

yea.. gathering again.. hee.. actually we didnt do much.. just met up, eat mooncakes, pomelo, tok cok... yub.. hmm some of us met up at munchie monkeys earlier to have dinner together.. n.. haha.. we're late again.. must always remember the one hour rule.. o well, everything's in sch anyway... yub.. o n there was this band performing.. hm... quite cool.. n the lead singer was pretty impressive.. would love to go munchi monkey again to chill out with a few frens, watch the band perform n all.. hee :)

hm.. yub.. we went to the park near arts... it was realli dark.. benches may have been dirty.. but too dark to realli see.. so i just heck care n sat down.. haha.. hmm.. den guideng n shanbing lited some lanterns n hung them on the bushes.. n loren, kah sin set up candles on the table tops... was not so bad after all... hong bee n yimin were like the main target of the suaning session.. lol... so funny.. heng shanbing n me never kana anything.. ahahaha.. i'm not very gd at verbal battles.. hee.. wols la...

hmm... ya.. n it was getting pretty late.. n we had so many mooncakes to settle.. so we started playing our fav game.. zhong ji mi ma.. alamak.. i kana once.. ate this quarter of double egg yolk mooncake.. think it's my regent hotel mooncake.. it's nice la.. but think it's a bit too heaty for me.. now dun feel very good.. yea.. luckily got seth n weijie beside me.. if not i would have kana once more.. haha felt pretty sick after tt quarter of mooncake.. o poor chee siang kana instead.. lol... hm.. was my no tt diff to guess? 22 is like my all time fav no.. my jersey no.. u would have known if u noe me well enuff..

yub.. n nice val sent us home.. hee... great.. even though we got caught in the traffic jam... n hey.. val's driving not bad wad... wad's wrong? at least i didnt get car sick.. coz i do.. when i take long bus rides or when my mum drives.. oops.. wahaha... :P

hm.. mid term starting.. i wanna have fun.. n i wanna mug hard too... mid term test will be an indicator of where i am...

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