Wednesday, August 31, 2005

one down, one more to go..

yea problem finally solved.. things arent tt bad actually.. it's just the matter of whether u wan it to be solved.. like wad val said.. hm.. i'm glad tt so many of my frens cared.. yong quan, val, sipei, weng hong, peisheng are the few seniors who have talked to me.. showed their concern... thanks pple... well, it takes two hands to clap.. i wanted to solve it.. n i got pple involved to settle it together with me.. yup.. great.. feel so much better now..

but there's still one.. the one tt has been dragging on for months... i dun have to take this shit... i realli dun have to.. y am i still holding on? becoz i m too soft? becoz i feel responsible for certain things? wtf seah... i badly wan to be free from this shit.. seriously.. i deserve much better.. y shud i give u anymore chances? ahhh fuck... fuck off... u piss me off.. u spoil my day.. u ruin my life..

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