Thursday, September 15, 2005

my msn nick: %@ xUeLi @% - InCoMpLeTe- something is missing in my life

ya.. my msn nick always speaks of how i m feeling inside.. i m kinda happy with my life right now.. i mean it's alright.. but it just aint good enough.. it can be better? n it should be? feel tt sth is lacking..

perhaps one, my uni life isnt well balanced.. been mugging and mugging onli.. not used to not being active in a cca... may be so.. met sharon n szwha yesterday.. made me miss softball and my team mates so much.. they look so happy with each other.. where's my cheryl? sob sob...

hm.. besides tt, i guess i m still in the process of getting used to being alone.. "single n available".. haha.. i'm such an attention seeker i realise... it just feels weird tt there isnt anyone there throwing all his attention to me.. feel like i dun belong to anyone.. y do i need to feel so, seth one asked me.. n he's right.. i m insecure.. i m confident.. but no so after all? i need to be constantly reassured... tt's wad's missing.. ahh i m driving myself crazy.. but tt's how i feel.. tt's who i am...

decided to be more independent.. no more sticking shirley.. drew the line.. just not convinced.. no enuff to give my all.. just aint fair to me.. u gotta work harder if u realli wan it..

1 comment:

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