Tuesday, July 06, 2004

hi bloggie.... hm... it's first day of school after block tests... still not into school mood yet... but it wasnt as bad as i tot... it was our first time stepping in into the totally air conditioned hall... felt great..but a little too cold.. chunchen insisted that we've got too many air cons.... too much for a small hall like VJ's... but i guess it's more comfotable to take our prelims in a stuffy and hot hall...or one with fans blowing off all out papers... haha... kinda silly...
anyway... i found out my maths results today.... was quite surprised and of coz happy that i did pretty well.. a A... haha even though i tot i didnt study hard enuff... but it's true u noe.. i kinda slack a lot for this june holidays... hehe... o ya.. and mcq isnt tt bad... 22 out of 30... i just hope the rest of it isnt tt bad... i still remember tt i couldnt do one of the 4 essays! my god.. tt's 10 marks!! o not forgetting nmr..6 marks! theer goes my A.. but if i do expect an A, it'll be too much... hoping for a C? tt would mean tt i have improved.. and my chem tution is proven to be pretty effective? haha... ok tt's all for today...

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